Sep 4 – 8, 2023
ExWi Building
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Sixth Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative will be held at the University of Bern from 4th to 8th of September 2023 ( We plan to hold the workshop as a full in-person meeting.

The anomalous magnetic moment of the Muon (Muon g-2) has received massive attention recently, after the results of Run 1 from the Fermilab E989 experiment were announced. With results from Run 2+3 forthcoming, scrutiny of the prediction in the Standard Model has intensified, including multiple ongoing experimental efforts and theoretical calculations. The aim of the workshop is to discuss recent progress on these developments, geared towards preparing an update of the Standard Model prediction for the Muon g-2.

Important deadlines:

Registration deadline (housing support): June 15, 2023  
Registration deadline (general):  June 30, 2023   
Abstract submission deadline for contributed talks:  June 30, 2023 

Scam warning:

Please be aware of potential scams claiming to make housing reservations on your behalf. We were made aware of some participants receiving such messages from "" or similar addresses. Please ignore such emails and do not reply, click shared links, or provide your credit card information.

Local Organising Committee:

Gilberto Colangelo (Chair)

Martin Hoferichter (Chair) 

Bai-Long Hoid 

Simon Holz 

Gurtej Kanwar 

Marina Marinković 

Letizia Parato

Peter Stoffer 

Jan-Niklas Toelstede 

Urs Wenger


ExWi Building
Lecture Hall 099
Exakte Wissenschaften (ExWi) Sidlerstrasse 5 3012 Bern Switzerland
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