QTI Lectures

Stochastic quantum simulations for scattering experiments

by Oriel Orphee Moira Kiss (Universite de Geneve (CH))

Online (CERN)





Simulating many-body quantum systems is a promising task for quantum computers. However, early fault-tolerant devices are not expected to correct arbitrary amounts of error, making the quest for better algorithms an important task.  We concentrate on random product formulas, such as qDrift, and unify this framework with importance sampling, allowing us to sample from arbitrary distributions while controlling both the bias, as well as the statistical fluctuations. We show that the simulation cost can be reduced while achieving the same accuracy by considering the individual simulation cost during the sampling stage. We hope this work to pave the way for tailored qDrift implementations on specific problems and hardware.


As a bonus, we will also discuss how to compute linear response functions from nuclear scattering experiments using quantum hardware. We will cover circuit design optimization, different purification-based error mitigation protocols, and some hardware results.


About the speaker

Oriel Moira Kiss obtained his Master's degree in Physics from ETH Zürich in 2021. He is now PhD student at University of Geneva, collaborating in the CERN QTI.


Collaborators: Michele Grossi (CERN) & Alessandro Roggero (INFN)

Organised by

Miguel Angel Marquina and Anastasiia Lazuka - Communication, Education and Outreach/IT Department

If you are interested to contribute to the QTI Lecture programme, please contact us at quantum-edu@cern.ch
CERN Quantum Technology Initiative - Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


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Participants without CERN or Indico credentials should register below to receive the Zoom passcode by mail on the date of the event.

Zoom Meeting ID
Miguel Angel Marquina Alonso
Alternative hosts
Anastasiia Lazuka, John Cassar, Pascal Pignereau
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