DD4hep Developers Meeting
Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
Present: M.Frank, A.Sailer, J. Smiesko
1) Pending problems
1) Issue 940: Integration of external library (CRY) for cosmic ray generation in DDG4 simulation: on hold
2) Issue 970: Support for digitization in ddsim: on hold
3) Issue 984: DD4hep output with MarlinDD4hep
4) Issue 1014: Issue using optical surfaces
===> Related: Issue 1027 (Program never stops)
5) Issue 1034: DD4hep and Opticks (Sarah)
6) Issue 1073: MultipoleMagnet rotation issue
2) Closed issues and fixed problems
1) PR 1071, solved issues 1067 (Optical tracker), Issue 1062 (Call plugins from external XML)
2) PR1070 added missing pieces to the PR1068 (Optical tracker)
3) Round table
Markus: Will have a look into optimizing the sensitive detectors, since many computations are done
Andre: PR 1074. Added several options to ddsim. Fixed OpticalTracker example from C.Dilks.
Jurai: Question: SimCaloHit + MC contributions. Which is the particle associated to the
MC contribution?
The particle associated is the particle kept in the MC record responsible for the hit.
4) AOB
Next meeting: 23.March 2023