EDM4hep Discussion



EDM4hep Discussion
Zoom Meeting ID
Andre Sailer
Useful links
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EDM4hep Live Notes

Date: March 14, 2023
Indico: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1265315/

Connected: Juan, Leonhard, Benedikt, Swathi, Tao, Brieuc, Juraj, Thomas, Frank, Gerri, Weidong, Alvaro, Wenxing

Apologies: Andre

## Introduction and General Points

### Upcoming workshops / conferences

#### LCWS abstract submission deadline: March 15
* https://indico.slac.stanford.edu/event/7467/overview

#### Upcoming FCC US workshop
* https://indico.cern.ch/event/1244371/timetable/ 
* FCCSW tutorials will be given

#### Snowmass follow up discussion
* Mid April (before FCC workshop)
* Internal discussion, no action from us (still follow activities)
## Report from HEP-CCE Meeting

* Presented PODIO/edm4hep to HEP-CCE: https://www.anl.gov/hep-cce
* Questions about SoA vs. AoS representation
* Which backends do we plan to support in the future
* Discussion on value semantics and the explicit mutable types
* Little interest in actual edm4hep datamodel
* Discussion on dynamic extension of datamodels similar to ATLAS. Other experiments do not like it

## documentation discussion
* https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/pull/383 (WIP also for discussion)
* [Sphinx version](https://thmadlen.web.cern.ch/thmadlen/podio_doc/doc.html)
* [Fixed doxygen](https://thmadlen.web.cern.ch/thmadlen/podio_doc_doxygen/)
* Have to think about targeted audience
   * sphinx is more towards the user side (probably more suitable for podio for describing the features)
* Just have one system in the end
* Related question: How to deal with the rest of Key4hep (repositories)
   * E.g. where do things come from when they are imported to Gaudi?

## Progress and discussion

## CEPC Progress on extension for Drift Chamber/ClusterCounting
* https://github.com/key4hep/EDM4hep/pull/179
* **merged**

## Dual Readout with small data model extension
* Migrate to `RawTimeSeries` after CEPC DriftChamber PR is merged

## Store yaml in output files
* https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/pull/358

## Framework `PodioOutput` writes broken files when dropping collections
* https://github.com/key4hep/k4FWCore/issues/95
* Definitely solved with `Frame` based I/O, soon enough?
* Check `PodioOutput` if it can be made to write "proper" files. (Juraj will take a look)

## `ddsim` stores its output in `Frames` now (DD4hep >= 1.24)
* https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/1041
* [ ] Need updates to k4FWCore to be able to read these files
   * Need to identify the Gaudi interface to fulfill
   * See https://github.com/key4hep/k4FWCore/issues/94
   * Need to divide work. Will discuss offline (Benedikt, Thomas)

## Podio
* https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/pulls
* https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/issues
* https://github.com/orgs/AIDASoft/projects/1/views/1

### RNTuple support
* https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/pull/247
* Restarted by Juan
* RNTuple interface change in ROOT v6.28
* Hitting a ROOT issue(?) https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/issues/385

## EDM4hep
* https://github.com/key4hep/EDM4hep/pulls
* https://github.com/key4hep/EDM4hep/issues

## AoB
* Big picture presentation for Key4hep / podio / EDM4hep with goals for this year
   * Help get everyone on the same page
   * Schedule for one of the next meetings

## Next meeting:
* March 28, 2023; 09:00 **CEST(!)**

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:05
      Introduction 5m
      Speakers: Andre Sailer (CERN), Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Thomas Madlener (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
    • 09:05 09:15
      Report from HEP-CCE Meeting 10m
      Speaker: Benedikt Hegner (CERN)
    • 09:15 09:25
      Documentation discussion 10m
      Speaker: Thomas Madlener (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
    • 09:55 09:56
      Discussion 1m
      Speaker: Dr All