In this talk, we present a new proposal on how to measure quark/gluon jet properties at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Our measurement strategy takes advantage of the fact that the LHC has collected data at different energies and focuses on measuring jet angularities. By studying these angularities, we aim to enrich statistically the given data sample by quark or gluon jets based on derived...
I will present the logarithmically accurate parton shower Alaric. The algorithm is implemented in the Sherpa framework, and I show its NLL accuracy in final state evolution both numerically as well as by analytical agruments. I will also present phenomenological results compared to observables measured at LEP.
For more than a decade the current generation of fully automated,
matrix element generators has provided hard scattering events with
excellent flexibility and good efficiency. However, as recent studies
have shown, they are a major bottleneck in the established Monte Carlo
event generator toolchains. With the advent of the HL-LHC and ever
rising precision requirements, future...
We present a study using a Rivet - including a new routine for low pT jet data - of the pythia 8 modelling of photoproduction (HERA), photon-photon (LEP) and proton-(antiproton) (LHC, Tevatron) jet measurements. We look the influence of the underlying event model, and its energy dependence.