Jun 10 – 14, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

The 17th MCnet school will be held CERN.

The school provides a five day course of training in the physics and techniques used in modern Monte Carlo event generators via a series of lectures, practical sessions, and discussions with event-generator authors. The school is aimed at advanced doctoral students and early-career postdocs.

Our core sessions comprise a series of introductory lectures on the physics of event generators, further lectures on a wider range of associated topics, a series of hands-on tutorials using all of the MCnet event generators for LHC physics, and evening discussion sessions with Monte Carlo authors.

The full list of lectures is:

  • Introduction to Event Generators - Michael Seymour (Manchester)
  • Parton Showers, Matching and Merging - Marek Schönherr (Durham)
  • Aspects of the EW Standard Model - Alessandro Vicini (INFN Milano)
  • Model-Independent Measurements - Monica Dunford (Heidelberg)
  • Event Generators for Heavy Ion Collisions - Korinna Zapp (Lund)
  • Machine Learning and MC Event Generators - Manuel Szewc (Cincinnati)
  • Software Sustainability - Caterina Doglioni (Manchester)
  • Journey to Industry - Joanna Huang (Faculty AI)
  • Diversity and Inclusion in HEP - CERN Diversity and Inclusion Programme


  • Computing on GPUs - Enrico Bothmann (Göttingen)
  • Herwig7 - Stefan Kiebacher (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
  • Pythia8 - Christian Bierlich (Lund)
  • Sherpa - Max Knobbe (Göttingen), Peter Meinzinger (Durham)
  • MadGraph5+Rivet+Contur - Jon Butterworth (UCL), Zenny Wettersten (CERN), Ramon Winterhalder (UCLouvain)

Organised by:

Image result for mcnet logo 





Funding for this year's school comes from the LHC Physics Center at CERN (LPCC).
The registration fee will be 50 CHF to be paid after successful application.

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin
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Scientific Organizing Committee:

  • Christian Bierlich (Lund)
  • Christian Gütschow (UCL)
  • Marek Schönherr (Durham)
  • Andrzej Siódmok (Jagiellonian University)
  • Malin Sjödahl (Lund)

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)