Key4hep Discussion
SFT/Key4hep Meeting
Attendees: Juan, Andre, Leonhard,
Apologies: Swathi, Jenny
Date: March 28, 2023
## Round The Table
* Juan
* CI Validation
* Distributions to plot?
* Tracking Validation scripts from Erica
* clicPerformance Jet Energy validation scripts
* Where to run simulation and reconstruction?
* How many events are needed?
* Leonhard
* Creating EventHeader Collection Converter, to keep run and event number available, which is needed to seed the random number
* Selected 10 SummerStudent candidates
* Still have to write LCWS abstract
* FCC Detector Concept Presentation: WIP
* Andre
* Spack updates
* [ ] Updating to latest release of spack
* TBB compilation takes too much memory
* Try:
* gdb complains about missing library
* matplotlib, and other python packages fail with error message
* Error Message:
* [ ] Setting up buildcache
* Gitlab Runners: re-use from clicdp
* [x]
* [ ] Change builds to use docker containers
* LCWS Abstracts
- [ ] sign up for iLCDirac:
- [ ] Leonhard
- [ ] Juan
- [ ] Swathi
- [ ] Point to files on EOS: qqbar, maybe muon input files (Andre)
- [x] Add people to eos-egroup
- /eos/experiment/clicdp/grid/ilc/prod/clic/`ENERGY`/`EventType`
- [x] FCalClusterer tag (Andre)
- [ ] Need k4FWCore with Frame Reader