Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
The gain of charge in LGADs (GQ) and the increase of the leakage current (GI) with respect to the generation current (Igen) are different, due to charge screening of the electric field in the gain layer, trapping-detrapping process and also possible other effects. A TCT was used to simultaneously measure GI and GQ in USFD-FBK4.0 prototypes. A special structure with PIN and LGADs very close together was used. The absolute charge measurements were assured with the use of beam-monitoring circuit. The difference between GI and GQ was found to become substantial at higher fluences and bias voltages.
Alissa Shirley-Ann Howard
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Bojan Hiti
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Igor Mandic
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Jernej Debevc
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Petja Skomina