Investigation of neutron-irradiated 4H-SiC p-in-n Diodes in forward and reverse Bias

20 Jun 2023, 14:40
Conference Hall (Hotel Regent Porto Montenegro)

Conference Hall

Hotel Regent Porto Montenegro

Obala bb, Tivat 85320, Montenegro


Andreas Gsponer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))


Due to its low leakage currents and high radiation displacement energy, silicon carbide (SiC) is an attractive candidate for future radiation hard detectors.

We present electrical characterization (I-V and C-V) and charge collection efficiency (CCE) measurements in forward and reverse bias for neutron-irradiated samples (CNM run 13575) between $5\times 10^{14}$ $\text{n}_\text{eq}/\text{cm}^2$ and $1 \times 10^{16}$ $\text{n}_\text{eq}/\text{cm}^2$ 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence.

After irradiation, no diode-like current is present in forward direction, and charge is still collected for UV-TCT or impinging particles. The CCE measurements were carried out using alpha particles, UV-TCT, and proton beams, which allows for a comparison of different charge deposition profiles. For the alpha measurements, the CCE in forward and reverse bias are comparable. However, using UV-TCT and proton beams, a signal enhancement was observed for irradiated samples in forward bias, with CCEs surpassing 100%. These observations are in agreement with recent TPA-TCT results and correlate with the measured I-V characteristics.

Based on these results, possible mechanisms are discussed, and the required further investigations are highlighted.


Andreas Gsponer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) Jürgen Maier (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) Matthias Knopf (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) Philipp Gaggl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) Richard Thalmeier (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) Simon Emanuel Waid (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)) Thomas Bergauer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))

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