- Alexander Oh (University of Manchester (GB))
Two-photon absorption is a very powerful technique for the characterization of solid-state detectors. A dedicated set-up was developed at PSI (Manchester) which allow the possibility of tuning the laser wavelength (330 nm to 16,000 nm) with order of 150 femtoseconds laser pulses. This opens the possibility to test sensors based on different materials like silicon and diamond sensors with the...
The Two Photon Absorption – Transient Current Technique (TPA-TCT) is a newly developed tool for the characterisation of particle detectors. Contrary to present state of the art TCT, it allows to perform characterisation with a three dimensional spatial resolution. The setup at CERN is used to pioneer the technique with a tabletop setup that is designed for the investigation of silicon based...
In this presentation, we report the findings on the impact of single and multiple trenches employed as isolation structures in TI-LGADs (Trench Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors). Our study focuses on the collection of charge induced by fs-laser at various shooting points along the X-axis, with subsequent recording of waveform data. Subsequently, we compare the deduced X-profiles derived from these...