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# Madgraph4gpu dev meeting Tue 25.04.2023
Present: SR, AV, JT, OM, NN, TC, ZW, CV
Excused: SH
## Discussion on licensing
AV presents a proposal for copyright and licensing.
General agreement, go ahead and merge it.
We can rediscuss this later on if needed.
Let's focus on technical stuff and development.
TC: especially let's focus on completing functionality for the release, rather than on further speed improvements
OM: technically best is to create two repos under mg5amcnlo,
and have the plugins there for sycl and cudacpp
## Short round table
ZW: poster at CHEP was upgraded to a talk!
OM: new phase space integrator based on machine learning
Very good results for the moment, factor 5-10 better in unweighting efficiency
(here 5-10 for W->du, but also same range for other processes).
Here GPUs will be very useful for training.
TC: ntr
CV: ntr
NN: ntr
JT: containers for both cudacpp and sycl are ready!
(code is here https://gitlab.cern.ch/AIGROUP-it-sc-accelerators/madgraph4gpu-ci)
Can download and build everything both on cudacpp and sycl.
Using the llvm of sycl, not oneapi for licensing reasons.
AV: great! maybe NN can cross check that you get the same results,
since this may be a different sycl version
AV: nta - will merge the PR after the meeting!
SR: in contact with nvidia to include our code as a benchmark in their suite
## AOB
SR: next meeting? agreement on May 2nd.