- MPW submission date 08.05.23, estimated delivery date 02.11.23 (confirm w/ LFoundry)
- Potential MLM submission (instead of an MPW submission)
- Analogue and digital wishlist w/ chip improvements (and PCB wishlist)
- RD50-MPW3/4 post-layout simulations w/ simplified double column
- Organise RD50 funding request (get quotations from LFoundry and IBS)
Bernhard Pilsl
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)),
Chenfan Zhang
(University of Liverpool (GB)),
Chenfan Zhang
(University of Liverpool),
Helmut Steininger
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)),
Patrick Sieberer
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT)),
Samuel Powell
(University of Liverpool (GB)),
Sinuo Zhang
(University of Bonn (DE)),
Sinuo Zhang