Lattice simulations of strong interactions (LQCD) have entered an era where precision plays a crucial role: in order to shed light on possible violations of the Standard Model the aim is to reach percent or sub-percent precision level. To attain such precision, isospin breaking effects must be accounted for in the measurements of numerous hadronic observables, including meson masses and the...
General Relativistic Entropic Acceleration (GREA) gives a general framework in which to study multiple out-of-equilibrium phenomena in the context of general relativity, like the late accelerated expansion of the universe or the formation of galaxies and the large scale structure of the universe. In this talk I describe the consequences of mass accretion onto massive Black Holes. I find that a...
I am going to focus on the production of quarkonia through the fragmentation of a gluon and talk about how to deal with this kind of processes in which the final state is composed of heavy quarks. For this purpose, I will discuss effective field theories such as NRQCD, the TMD factorization into short distance coefficients and long distance matrix elements and give an overview of the...
For the first time N4LL resummation is used to extract non-perturbative distributions. These are the TMD of quarks in protons and we use TMD factorization. The data that have been included in the fit come from ATLAS, CMS, LHb and other hadron colliders. I will describe the details of the extraction and error analysis. e-Print:2305.07473 [hep-ph]
In recent articles, the discussion on the treatment of Power Corrections in the three-jet limit, along with its influence on precision $\alpha_s$ determinations from fits to event shape experimental data, has attracted a lot of attention. On the basis of a factorization formula for the $e^+e-$ thrust distribution, derived within soft-collinear effective theory, we discuss the treatment of...
Fragmentation Functions (FF) are universal non-perturbative objects that model hadronization in some general kind of processes. They are mainly extracted from experimental data, hence constraining the parameters of the corresponding fits is crucial for achieving reliable results. As expected, the production of lighter hadrons is favoured w.r.t. heavy ones, thus we would like to exploit the...
Quantum tomography has become an indispensable tool in order to compute the density matrix $\rho$ of quantum systems in Physics. Recently, it has further gained importance as a basic step to test entanglement and violation of Bell inequalities in High-Energy Particle Physics. In this talk, I present the theoretical framework for reconstructing the helicity quantum initial state of a general...