Jovan Mitrevski
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
In the Fermilab accelerator complex, the Main Injector (MI) and the Recycler Ring (RR) share a tunnel. The initial design was made for the needs of the Tevatron, where the RR stored fairly low intensities of anti-protons. Currently, however, both the MI and RR often have high intensity beams at the same time. Beam loss monitors (BLMs) are placed at different points in the tunnel to detect losses. However, it is often difficult to attribute the beam loss to either the MI or the RR, causing the beams to be unnecessarily aborted in both machines. This causes unnecessary downtime that is costly to the running of the experiments at the Intensity Frontier.
In order to decrease the unnecessary downtime, a system has to attribute the loss to a particular machine in real-time (less than 3 ms). To do this, a real-time AI system is used. A “central node” receives all the data from the BLMs and passes them to a U-Net-based AI model running on an Intel Arria10 SoC. This model attributes the likelihood that beam loss at a particular monitor is to a particular machine. This was the first FPGA-based edge AI control system running in the accelerator complex.
In addition to describing the system, a second focus of the presentation will be on using hls4ml to translate the original U-Net model, written in Keras, to High Level Synthesis (HLS) for the Intel HLS compiler. In particular, this model stressed the streaming implementation due to its design with skip connections, requiring some modification to the libraries. We will discuss our experience, and discuss plans for the future.
Primary authors
Aakaash Narayanan
Aisha Ibrahim
Alexis Shuping
(Northwestern University)
Andrea Saewert
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab.)
Brian Schupbach
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab.)
Chenwei Xu
(Northwestern University)
Dave Bracey
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab.)
Dennis Nicklaus
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab.)
Gauri Pradhan
Han Liu
(Northwestern University)
Jeremy Arnold
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab.)
Jerry Hu
(Northwestern University)
Jing Jiang
(Northwestern University)
Jose Berlioz
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab.)
Jovan Mitrevski
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Kiyomi Seiya
Kyle Hazelwood
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Mark Austin
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab.)
Mattson Thieme
(Northwestern University)
Nhan Tran
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Pierrick Hanlet
Randy Thurman-Keup
Rui Shi
(Northwestern University)
Seda Memik
(Northwestern University)
Vladimir Nagaslaev