25–28 Sept 2023
Imperial College London
Europe/London timezone

Approximating Many-Electron Wave Functions using Neural Networks

26 Sept 2023, 17:15
Blackett Laboratory, Lecture Theatre 1 (Imperial College London)

Blackett Laboratory, Lecture Theatre 1

Imperial College London

Blackett Laboratory
Standard Talk Contributed Talks Contributed Talks


Matthew Foulkes (Imperial College London)


The use of neural networks for approximating fermionic wave functions has become popular over the past few years as their ability to provide impressively accurate descriptions of molecules, nuclei, and solids has become clear.

Most electronic structure methods rely on uncontrolled approximations, such as the choice of exchange-correlation functional in density functional theory or the form of the parameterized trial wavefunction in conventional quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Neural wave functions, on the other hand, are built from multilayer perceptrons, which are universal approximators. The network weights and biases that define a neural wave function may be optimized efficiently by combining variational Monte Carlo methods with automatic gradients calculated using back propagation. This approach produces results of consistent quality across highly diverse systems. In some cases, the variational optimization is capable of discovering quantum phase transitions unaided.


Matthew Foulkes (Imperial College London) Mr Gino Cassella (Imperial College London) Mr Wan Tong Lou (Imperial College London) Mr Halvard Sutterud (Imperial College London) Dr David Pfau (DeepMind) Dr James Spencer (DeepMind)

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