30 June 2024 to 4 July 2024
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Development of an X-ray backscatter Imaging System for Cargo Inspection

3 Jul 2024, 14:45
Main Auditorium (FMDUL)

Main Auditorium


Main Auditorium of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade de Lisboa)


Dr JongWon Park (Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering) Jeonghee Lee (korea research institute of ships and ocean engineering(KRISO))Dr Chang Hwy Lim (XsCan Co.)


In general, the principle of the X-ray transmission imaging system used for container inspection involves irradiating an object with high-energy X-rays and measuring the extent to which the rays penetrate through the object.
However, due to their high penetration capability, high-energy X-rays encounter difficulties in detecting low-density substances such as narcotics (powder) and explosives. In this study, we propose developing an X-ray backscatter imaging system to inspect low-density hazardous materials within containers.
The development system utilizes X-rays with an energy of 225 keV and rotates a wheel collimator to scan the container's three sides (top, left, right) with a point beam.
The image detector, which consists of 12 scintillation detectors, uses the synchronization signal from the rotating wheel collimator to simultaneously collect backscattered X-rays produced by the Compton effect, thereby generating line images.
Finally, each generated line image is displayed as a composite image.
We constructed a gantry-type inspection system with X-ray backscatter imaging technology applied within a testbed and performed scans of actual vehicles to generate backscatter images.

Primary author

Dr JongWon Park (Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering)


Jeonghee Lee (korea research institute of ships and ocean engineering(KRISO)) Youngchol Choi (KRISO) Dr Chang Hwy Lim (XsCan Co.)

Presentation materials