Key4hep Discussion
SFT/Key4hep Meeting
Attendees: Carsten, Andre, Leonhard, Benedikt, Swathi, Juan
Date: May 16, 2023
## Round The Table
#### Carsten
* Implementing Analysis for Higgs to Invisible with ILD at 250GeV
* Should exist?
* Use the (ilc)dirac filecatalog to discover the files
#### Swathi
* Adapt LAr calo into the CLD geometry, rescaling LAr to avoid overlaps with CLD Tracker
* Also overlaps in the LAr
#### Juan
* [x] Get the nightly to run every night
* Later
* [ ] Setting up buildcache
* [x] Change builds to use docker containers
* [ ] Issue with downstream build action?
* [ ] spack develop documentation update for latest
* [ ] RNTuple for podio
* Validation Workflows
* Script to be uploaded
#### Benedikt
* Frame-integration for Gaudi
* Deprecating some features, backward compatibility for non-frame workflow
* Removing direct cellIDMetadata function
* Metadata is not there at all
* Need to test the stack, if that compiles
* collectionID singned vs unsigned variables, increase collectionID to 64 bits to decrease probability of hash-collisions
* podio roadmap for 1.0 agreed on with Thomas
#### Andre
#### Leonhard
* Tracking Resolution Plots with Key4hep
* ddsim to edm4hep, k4MarlinWrapper to FCCAnalysis
* github issues
* [x]
- [ ] sign up for iLCDirac:
- [x] Leonhard
- [x] Juan
- [ ] Swathi
- [x] Carsten
- [ ] Jenny
- [ ] Point to files on EOS: qqbar, maybe muon input files (Andre)
- [x] Add people to eos-egroup
- /eos/experiment/clicdp/grid/ilc/prod/clic/`ENERGY`/`EventType`
- [ ] Need k4FWCore with Frame Reader