17–21 Jul 2023
Princeton University
US/Eastern timezone

Parallel Programming - The world beyond OpenMP

18 Jul 2023, 11:00
1h 30m
407 Jadwin Hall (Princeton University)

407 Jadwin Hall

Princeton University

Princeton Center For Theoretical Science (PCTS)


Tim Mattson (Intel)


Parallel programming is hard. There is no way to avoid that reality. We can mitigate these difficulties by focusing on the fundamental design patterns from which most parallel algorithms are constructed. Once mastered, these patterns make it much easier to understand how your problems map onto other parallel programming models. Hence for our last session on parallel programming, we'll review these essential design patterns as seen in OpenMP, and then show how they appear in cluster computing (with MPI) and GPGPU computing (with OpenMP and then a quick survey of other GPGPU languages).

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