Sep 21 – 22, 2011
US/Eastern timezone

Local directions and parking

Both the Wednesday and Thursday meetings will be held in Olin Library which is at:

The entrance to Olin Library is on the west end of the building, opposite the distinctive clock tower. Wednesday is in Olin room 703 -- up elevators to 7th floor, left out of the elevator and then right to NW corner. Thursday is in Kroch 2B48 -- which is reached by walking straight ahead from the Olin entrance to the end of the main corridor, during which time one enters Kroch Library, then going down two floors to level 2B and staff at the desk will be able to point out the meeting room.

Parking on campus is not very easy. If you have a hotel within walking distance then I would take a taxi or hotel shuttle to and from the hotel, then walk to campus.

If you do have a car then you will need to stop at one of the information booths as you drive onto campus. You can get an all-day permit for $10 that will allow parking in certain designated areas (more details at The staff at the booth will be able to provide a map and directions, probably the easiest location to park is the "Hoy Road parking garage" which is at

The easiest way to arrive is to turn onto Hoy Road from Rt 366, go until you get to the information booth at which the parking permit can be purchased, and then double back to the parking garage. From the parking garage to Olin Library is a few minutes walk (0.5mile):