CBC2023 Organizational meeting

Andris Ratkus (Riga Technical University (LV)), Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV))
Zoom Meeting ID
Karlis Dreimanis
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    • 13:00 13:05
      Introduction 5m
      Speakers: Andris Ratkus (Riga Technical University (LV)), Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV))
    • 13:05 13:50
      Discussion and approval of the aspects of the CBC'23 45m
      • Approval of dates;
      • Approval of the location;
      • Approval of the poster design;
      • Approval of the programme;
    • 13:50 14:00
      AOB and close 10m
      Speakers: Andris Ratkus (Riga Technical University (LV)), Karlis Dreimanis (Riga Technical University (LV))