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You can find more information on the website of the Machine Protection Panel.
Comments on MDs:
- MD7007 (Operation of Crystal collimators during energy Ramp)
- MD9406 (Bunch by bunch tune shift measurements)
- MD9545 (WS prototypes and operational system beam size measures comparison)
- MD9325 (Beam halo population measurements using collimator scans at the end of Squeeze) and MD9503 (Beam Tail population and diffusion measurements using collimator scans)
MD9523: Threshold of longitudinal loss of Landau damping
- Confirm maximum desired bunch intensity (3e11 according to current procedure)
- Check ADT bunch intensity limit and max. bunch intensity that can be injected
- Clarify required RF interlock masking and update procedure accordingly
MD9525: Injection power transients with different RF settings
- Requested 1000 bunches with bunch intensity of 2e11 (beyond operationally achieved values): Injection set-up? Max. number of bunches?