In 2020, the last update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics was approved by the CERN council. In one of its twenty strategy statements, it is stated that an electron-positron Higgs factory is the highest-priority next collider. Studies on such and other colliders are in full swing world-wide. Moreover, we are halfway to the next update of the European strategy in 2026-2027.
Considering the long timelines that these projects have, we think that it is of paramount importance for young researchers to participate in an informed way to the many discussions that are currently taking place on the future of our field.
The aim of this one-day workshop is to introduce ECRs to the future-collider proposals currently under consideration, so that young researchers can form their opinions about this important matter for the future of our field, and to foster the discussion within the ECR community on the same topic.
The workshop will be held in a hybrid format at CERN and will also feature a poster session for ECRs to present their work on or related to future colliders.
You can find more information concerning the zoom connection in the "Videoconference" page linked on the left.
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