SmeftFR v3 [Comput.Phys.Commun. 294 (2024) 108943, 2302.01353, https://www.fuw.edu.pl/smeft/] enables derivation of Feynman rules for interaction vertices from the dimension-5, dimension-6, and (so far) all bosonic dimension-8 SMEFT operators. Obtained Feynman rules allow for consistent numerical or symbolic calculations in SMEFT (e.g., in Madgraph or in FeynArts) to the 1/Λ^4 order in the EFT expansion, including dimension-6 squared and dimension-8 terms, which is a novelty in the literature. In my talk, I will discuss some of the most important new features of SmeftFR v3, such as choosing among and using one of the predetermined input schemes, including one for the CKM matrix. I will also describe examples of its usage and some possible applications.