10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
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Lepton injection and extraction system at FCCee

13 Jun 2024, 18:54
Colonial & Italian

Colonial & Italian

(b) Poster abstract only (one author must be in person) FCC-ee injector Poster session


Sen Yue


The FCCee complex will produce and transport the lepton beams to the collider ring. From the damping ring to the top-up injection in the collider ring, beam transfer systems are required to ensure beam injection and extraction. Each system has specific requirements, determined by the beam energy, required deflection, available space and so on. This contribution presents the concepts for injection and extraction systems across all those machines. A focus on the collider technical straight section of point B highlights particular challenges associated with the integration of booster and collider systems.


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