Jun 10 – 14, 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Optimization of the FCC-ee IR beam pipe elements for minimum of the wake field energy loss responsible for the heat load.

Jun 12, 2024, 2:05 PM
Elizabethan A

Elizabethan A

(a) Talk abstract only MDI Joint effort PED & accelerators


Alexander Novokhatski (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))


We present the results of the wake field analyses for different geometries of the IR beam pipe elements like bellows, BPMs, SR mask including beam pipe shape. We found a possibility how to decrease and capture wake fields generated by colliding beams in the interaction region. This optimization study will be useful for the FCC-ee IR beam pipe design.


Alexander Novokhatski (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))

Presentation materials