10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Ventilation strategy for the FCC

13 Jun 2024, 11:06
Elizabethan D

Elizabethan D

(a) Talk abstract only Technical Infrastructures Technical Infrastructure


Inigo Martin Melero (CERN)


The ventilation system of the FCC includes the supply, treatment, and extraction of air in the accelerator complex, including the Arc Tunnel, Alcoves and the caverns and galleries in the Experimental, RF and Technical Points. The air supplied at the FCC must meet safety, humidity and temperature requirements, among others. The ventilation system is also used to extract part of the thermal load produced by the different machines in the underground facilities.

Several working modes are contemplated depending on the conditions of operation of the accelerator, including cases of emergency and access of the personnel for maintenance work. Further key points include air recycling, control implementation of the system and the transitory regime between modes. This presentation addresses these and other topics and provides as an in-depth look at the ventilation system for the FCC.


Presentation materials