10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Safety Concept of the FCC

11 Jun 2024, 08:30
Elizabethan C

Elizabethan C

(a) Talk abstract only Technical Infrastructure


Andre Henriques (CERN)Mr Oriol Rios (CERN)


In view of the FCC feasibility study report, the Safety WP is tasked with the editorial of a Safety Concept. This report will detail all the risks associated with the future activities of the FCC-ee machine during the civil engineering construction, installation and operation phases.
The outcome of the safety concept leans of the results of several safety studies performed by the HSE Unit and the implementation of safety-relevant systems which are designed and proposed by other WPs in the Technical Infrastructure Pillar.
This presentation will provide a general overview of the current status of the Safety concept, as well as presenting the results of the most recent safety studies that were performed in the last year, providing the scientific support to the safety concept.


Presentation materials