10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Powering of the FCC-ee RF System

13 Jun 2024, 09:36
Elizabethan D

Elizabethan D

(a) Talk abstract only Technical Infrastructures Technical Infrastructure


Manuel Colmenero Moratalla (CERN)


The RF systems of the FCC-ee are expected to be the primary consumers of power and energy. With an estimated power consumption exceeding 100 MW, it is crucial to design an efficient and reliable powering system that can deliver power from the AC network to the klystron gallery.
A critical component of the RF powering system is the main power converter. The use of a centralized high-voltage Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) as the main conversion device is being analysed for this purpose. This converter topology offers high efficiency and reliability, making it a standard in the industry. The converter's topology, operation, and an update of the volume and cost estimation will be presented.
In terms of distribution, a single-bus approach is proposed. To meet the individual control and protection requirements of each klystron, a strategy based on trimming converters and series switches will be presented, providing details on the control strategy. Additionally, the powering of the solid-state RF amplifiers, if needed, will be discussed, highlighting the main challenges of supplying this type of amplifier.
Finally, the presentation will provide a cost and volume estimation of the proposed powering strategy, introducing several proposals for optimizing the system to minimize overall capital and operational expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX).


Presentation materials