10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Update of Integration tunnel and arcs, straight sections…

11 Jun 2024, 15:30
Elizabethan C

Elizabethan C

(a) Talk abstract only Technical Infrastructures Technical Infrastructure


Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG))


Follow up the up-to-date requirements from the different stakeholders (cooling, HVAC, electrical supply, transport, safety systems, and machine systems). The integration team classified and optimized the space which will be used in the underground infrastructure. The 3D integration models were updated with the new occupation requests on the machine tunnel and the arcs, experimental caverns, and service caverns, and all the rest support underground infrastructure.


Fani Valchkova-Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG))

Presentation materials