10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Overview of the FCC-ee alignment and monitoring study

13 Jun 2024, 16:30
Elizabethan C

Elizabethan C

(a) Talk abstract only Accelerator technical design Accelerator technical design


Leonard Watrelot


The 91km long FCC-ee machine raises major challenges in terms of alignment. Size, location, design, manufacturing, and requirements are aspects increasing the difficulty of the alignment process. The effort will also need to be consistent in time, as the installation and initial alignment are only the very beginning of the surveyor’s duty. Monitoring and readjustment represent the major part of the challenge, as thousands of components will need to be followed carefully and regularly in a brand new tunnel. This talk will address these points, highlighting the main difficulties and angles chosen to tackle these challenges. Specific parts will also be covered, like the straight sections, the interaction regions, and the machine-detector interfaces.


Presentation materials