10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Status of the Arc Half Cell Mock-up project

12 Jun 2024, 14:24
Elizabethan C

Elizabethan C

(a) Talk abstract only Accelerator technical design Accelerator technical design


Ms Audrey Piccini (Junior Fellow)


The FCC-ee arc half-cell mock-up project is continuing its engineering design phase and entering the manufacturing, installation, and testing phase. The production of a 1:1 scale mock-up has been launched and the installation of the first version is scheduled for Q1 2025. The main idea is to have a modular mock-up that can accommodate systems from other teams: robots, magnets, safety systems, etc. Meanwhile, design and optimisation studies are progressing on the supporting structures of the booster and collider, and on the interfaces between the main systems. The project team is also developing a Short Straight Section demonstrator, combining experimental measurements and simulations to assess the vibrational contribution of the various elements such as the feet, the support, the magnets, etc.


Ms Audrey Piccini (Junior Fellow) Federico Carra (CERN)

Presentation materials