10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Positron source design and experiment for FCC, SuperKEKB and ILC

11 Jun 2024, 18:10
Elizabethan B

Elizabethan B

(a) Talk abstract only FCC-ee booster design FCC accelerators


Yoshinori Enomoto (KEK)


Intense positron source is one of a crucial component for future electron positron colliders. Although each project, FCC, ILC, CLIC, CEPC, C3 uses many different technologies for main accelerator, requirement and present design of the positron source are very similar. Recently, under the support of CHART program and FCC feasibility study, positron source design for the FCC has progress rapidly. At the same time, design work and prototype manufacturing of positron source for ILC started using the five years grant from MEXT since 2023. To maximize synergy effect, we have strengthen the collaboration and mutual discussion.
In addition, experimental works are very important to validate the design and simulation for future positron source. The positron source for the SuperKEKB is the only one machine which can provide such opportunity in the world now.
In this talk, present status and recent progress of the positron source will be summarized along with recent joint experiment at KEK using positron source for SuperKEKB.

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