10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
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Luminosity tuning and optimization

13 Jun 2024, 18:58
Colonial & Italian

Colonial & Italian

(b) Poster abstract only (one author must be in person) MDI Poster session


Vaibhavi Gawas (Universite de Geneve (CH))


FCC-ee luminosity optimization relies on measuring realistic signals from Bhabha scattering, beamstrahlung, and radiative Bhabha photons. Initial assessments of beamstrahlung signals examine the change in luminosity and beamstrahlung power in response to waist shifts and vertical dispersion at the collision point. These ongoing studies aim to extract IP-aberration-related signals from the energy spectrum, angular distribution, and power of beamstrahlung photons. Furthermore, the study is to be extended to include signals from the luminometer and vertex detector, potentially integrating all of them into a machine-learning-based approach for luminosity tuning and optimization.

Primary author

Vaibhavi Gawas (Universite de Geneve (CH))

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