10–14 Jun 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Registration payment

Information about conference fees:

Regular fee: 550 EUR (Code: REG)

Students: 300 EUR (Code: STU)

1-day pass: 150 EUR (Code: 1-day pass)

Remote: 30 EUR (Code: VID)

The regular and student registration fees cover:

- Attendance to the entire scientific workshop and conference
- Lunches (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Beverages and snacks during breaks (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Welcome reception on Monday, 10 June 2024
- Conference dinner on Wednesday, 12 June 2024

The 1-day pass does NOT include:

- Welcome reception on Monday, 10 June 2024
- Conference dinner on Wednesday, 12 June 2024


The payment may be made by:

Credit card (e-payment)

Please choose "e-payment" when completing your registration form, then choose Postfinance CERN when you proceed with the payment. If you want to proceed with the e-payment later you can do it after having register at "Modify my registration" (in the main menu) and then "Postfinance CERN"..

The costs for payment with Visa and Mastercard are around 2.5% and around 3.7% with American Express. These costs will be added to the registration fees.

Bank transfer

An invoice can be sent to the institution upon request PRIOR TO THE PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER. Send your request to pay by bank transfer directly to fccw2024.secretariat [at] cern.ch

Reference: 10892 + your name

  • Account: 91-695179-7
  • IBAN: CH28 0900 0000 9169 5179 7
  • Account holder: CERN CONFERENCES EUROS


CERN approved participants

They will be contacted directly by the FCC secretariat who will handle the payment of their registration fee. All other CERN participants should contact their group secretary regarding registration payment.

TID instructions for Remote CERN participants:
Through your CERN budget code or team account using EDH. In the TID form the supplier is Julie HADRE (ATS-DO) and you are the client. The budget code to send the money is 10892, purchasing code 14050900. In the general description field, please mention FCCW2024 and your name.


Early Career Researchers

We are happy to announce additional travel support available for early career scientists. For students and postdocs presenting posters, registration fees will be waived and up to $650 of travel support will be provided. Please fill out this application form for consideration. Abstracts must be submitted by Friday May 17, with priority given to earlier submissions. We hope to see many early career scientists at the meeting and look forward to hearing about your work!


Cancellation of participation

No reimbursement of registration fees after 10 May 2024.
When reimbursing, bank transfer fees at the cost of the beneficiary.
Send your request to fccw2024.secretariat [at] cern.ch