Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Physics Case and Theoretical Calculations (1)
- Robert Szafron (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Physics Case and Theoretical Calculations (2)
- Christoph Paus (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Detector Concepts (i)
- Mogens Dam (University of Copenhagen (DK))
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Detector Concepts (ii)
- Marc-Andre Pleier (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Detector Concepts (iii)
- Zeynep Demiragli (Boston University (US))
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Detector Requirements (i)
- Mike Hance (UC Santa Cruz)
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Software
- David Lange (Princeton University (US))
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Detector Requirements (ii)
- Junjie Zhu (University of Michigan (US))
Physics, Experiments and Detectors: Detector Concepts (iv)
- Carl Haber (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
A summary of a workshop (May 2024) dedicated to QCD physics of relevance for Higgs measurements at the FCC-ee will be presented.
We show that the FCC-ee will have sensitivity to the MSSM electroweak sector that is complementary to the LHC, through the precision Z-boson measurements. Our results provide added motivation and quantitative targets for the desired systematic uncertainty on this measurement.
We report on a conceptual design for a noble-liquid-based EM endcap
calorimeter, where the absorber plates and readout electrodes are
arranged in a turbine-like geometry. This design allows for
frequent shower sampling and highly granular readout, without
introducing cracks in phi. Furthermore, it can be constructed from multiple
copies of a small number of absorber and readout board...
Following the priority research directions for calorimetry documented in the DOE HEP basic research needs for instruments the Caltech HEP Crystal Lab has been actively investigating novel inorganic scintillators along the following three directions. Fast and radiation hard inorganic scintillators to face the challenge of severe radiation environment expected by future HEP experiments at hadron...
The CERN proposed $e^+e^-$ Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) is designed as an electroweak, flavour, Higgs, and top factory with unprecedented luminosities. Many measurements at the FCC-ee will rely on the precise determination of the vertices, measured by dedicated vertex detectors, and the Silicon Wrapper at about two meters in radius, improving momentum resolution, providing precise angular...
Experiments at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) pose stringent requirements on the tracking system for the measurement of the scattered electron and charged particles produced in the collision, as well as the position of the collision point and any decay vertices of hadrons containing heavy quarks. Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) offer the possibility of high granularity in...
OBELIX is a depleted monolithic active pixel sensor developed for the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB $e^+e^-$ asymmetric energy collider designed to cope with high particle fluence. The proposed upgrade of the Belle II Vertex Detector (VTX) will use OBELIX sensor on all its 5 layers. The sensor is based on the TJ-Monopix2 design, fabricated in a radiation hard CMOS 180 nm...
We will present the latest developments and plans in the Fermilab group on the development of precision tracking detectors for FCC-ee applications. Efforts have been focused on advances towards manufacturing of novel sensors and on the design of sophisticated Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) required to achieve the ambitious goals of FCC-ee. We will present developments over...
We propose to conduct research and development on a straw tracker that can be used as an inner tracker for the FCC-ee. The straw tracker offers the advantage of a low material, a crucial factor in minimizing overall inner detector material budget. With the capability to achieve a single-hit resolution of approximately 120 microns per layer, and the potential for up to 100 layers, the straw...