Accelerator technical design: Synergies and innovation
- Sergey Belomestnykh
Accelerator technical design: Magnets
- Paolo Ferracin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Accelerator technical design: Injection & instrumentation
- John D Fox (Stanford University (US))
Accelerator technical design: Vacuum and radiations
- John Theodore Seeman (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Accelerator technical design: Beam Intercepting devices
- Andrei Seryi (Jefferson Lab)
We will present the update of the magnet parameters resulting from the global optimization of the magnet circuits carried out this year in collaboration with our colleagues of the CERN power converter group. We will show how the magnet cross sections have consequently evolved and list the next steps for the magnet development until the end of the feasibility study and beyond.
Update on the design of the high energy booster magnets. We will cover:
- developments on the low field dipole, a key factor in defining the injection energy for the booster.
- parameters and cross sections of magnets to meet the requirements of the v.24 HEB optics baseline.
- early results factoring the global optimisation in collaboration with CERN power converter group.
The talk addresses different aspects of magnet powering circuit configuration of the FCCee.
The number of circuits has a big impact on the performance of the beam (controllability in primis); however, the greater the number of circuits, the higher the total cost.
Accelerator controllability, optics granularity and availability specifications directly impact the number of circuits and the...
The FCC-ee arc half-cell mock-up project is continuing its engineering design phase and entering the manufacturing, installation, and testing phase. The production of a 1:1 scale mock-up has been launched and the installation of the first version is scheduled for Q1 2025. The main idea is to have a modular mock-up that can accommodate systems from other teams: robots, magnets, safety systems,...
The FCC collider and injection complex call for a diverse set of injection and extraction septa. This presentation will summarise the principal technological choices for each of them, and will derive the implications from the technology choices on the required infrastructure. For the more challenging systems, alternative approaches will be scrutinised and areas where further development is...
For injection, extraction and beam disposal fast pulsed systems are needed throughout the FCC-ee complex. This presentation outlines the various kicker systems needed to transport the lepton beams from the electron source up to the collider dump system. The individual system requirements are presented, and the choice of design parameters and technology options for both beamline elements and...
The 91km long FCC-ee machine raises major challenges in terms of alignment. Size, location, design, manufacturing, and requirements are aspects increasing the difficulty of the alignment process. The effort will also need to be consistent in time, as the installation and initial alignment are only the very beginning of the surveyor’s duty. Monitoring and readjustment represent the major part...