Poster session
- Frank Zimmermann (CERN)
Low gain avalanche detectors (LGADs) fabricated by Hamamatsu Photonics KK (HPK) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) have been evaluated for performance before and after exposure to gamma and proton irradiation. LGADs promise excellent timing resolution, which can mitigate the pileup associated with high luminosity at hadron colliders. Their timing information can also be used to distinguish...
The precise identification of jets originating from high-energy quarks and gluons is paramount for advancing our understanding of fundamental particles and forces. This study introduces a novel deep learning framework designed to probe the limits of jet classifier models by using generative AI.ย State-of-the-art generative models called diffusion neural networks are used to create synthetic...
In the past few years, the Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD, thin silicon detectors with modest internal gain and extremely good time resolution) technology have been significantly advanced. The first application of this kind of device will be in the ATLAS and CMS timing layers at the HL-LHC. The first prototypes of LGADs produced few years ago within the collaborations did not show...
The pure gravity mediation model based on anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking is among the well-motivated models consistent with the large Higgs mass and the non-observation of supersymmetry at the LHC so far. We focus on a scenario where all the gauginos, including the neutral Wino which is the lightest supersymmetric particle, are within the kinematical reach of the FCC-hh, and study the...
The Standard Model predicts neutrinos to be massless but the observation of neutrino flavor oscillations implies that they are massive particles.
The type I see-saw mechanism has been extensively studied as a promising model of neutrino mass generation in which the existence of right-handed heavy neutrinos (also called heavy neutral leptons, HNLs) is needed to counterbalance the mass of the...
The planned LUXE experiment at DESY in Hamburg (Germany) stands at the forefront of the investigation into strong-field quantum electrodynamics with high precision. The interaction between electrons or photons and a high-intensity laser generates new electrons, positrons, and photons. The phenomena under examination include non-linear Compton scattering, non-linear Breit-Wheeler pair...
We systematically study potential effects of BSM physics in the e+ e- -> Z H process. To this end we include dimension-6 Standard Model Effective Field Theory operators and work to NLO accuracy in the electro-weak coupling. To capture the full breadth of potential signatures we include virtual and radiative corrections fully-differential, as well as consider polarized and unpolarized electron...
The software description of the ATLAS detector is based on the
GeoModel toolkit, developed in-house for the ATLAS experiment but
released and maintained as a separate package with few dependencies.
A compact SQLite-based exchange format permits the sharing of
geometrical information between applications including visualization,
clash detection, material inventory, database browsing,...
Particle detectors for future colliders rely on ever more precise charged particle tracking devices, which are supported by structures manufactured from composite materials. The higher luminosity and higher radiation environment present challenges to support structures and cooling of the detectors. An integrated engineering approach for mechanical structures, cooling and at times sensing is...
We present a study of the impact of arc magnet alignment errors in the FCC-ee V22 @ Z energy lattice. The aim of the study is to provide realistic alignment tolerances. The Python accelerator toolbox PyAT was used to develop a sequence of correction steps to achieve the nominal emittance,
dynamic aperture (DA), and in the end the design luminosity. The correction scheme has been recently...
In FCCAnalyses we utilize the powerful event processing abstractions of ROOT RDataFrame in combination with the event data description of the EDM4hep format, resulting in a fast and multi-threaded framework. The FCCAnalyses package also provides a standard library of analyzer functions, the integration of commonly used HEP tools such as FastJet, ONNX, DD4hep, Delphes, ..., and metadata...
We present an ML-based end-to-end algorithm for adaptive reconstruction in different FCC detectors. The algorithm takes detector hits from different subdetectors as input and reconstructs higher-level objects. For this, it exploits a geometric graph neural network, trained with object condensation, a graph segmentation technique. We apply this approach to study the performance of pattern...
Key4hep is a framework which aims at integrating all physics software of the future colliders. The proposed poster will present a "Cheatsheet" of Key4hep to better inform all FCC colleagues at the conference about its design, implementation, conventions and best practices. The focus will be mainly held on the four pillars of Key4hep, which are: Gaudi --- event processing framework with...
We demonstrate the use of an autoencoder style generative neural network (NN) architecture on problems in the estimation and control of accelerators. Using HPSim, a high-performance particle tracking code, we generate datasets and train a NN to map from accelerator tuning parameters and the initial condition to measurements of interest, like phase space projections and beam loss, as well as...
IDEA detector concept foresees a muon detection system that would be realized using the ฮผRWELL technology. Each station will consist of a large mosaic of 50 ร 50 cm2 ฮผRWELL detectors.
The objectives include simulating and optimizing the IDEA muon detector design within Key4hep simulation toolkit, evaluating its performance and estimating its physics reach for highly displaced charged particle...
The Triple Track Trigger (TTT) concept is proposed for the FCC-hh detector to exploit the full potential of the unprecedented energy ($\sqrt{s} = 100\,\mathrm{TeV}$) and high luminosity ($30\times 10^{-34}\,\mathrm{cm^{-2}s^{-1}}$) proton-proton (pp) collisions at FCC-hh. The primary objective of the TTT is to trigger physics at the electroweak scale in real time by significantly suppressing...
Dual readout crystal calorimetry allows state-of-the-art electromagnetic resolution while preserving excellent jet energy resolution. We report here updated results from the CalVision and MaxiCC collaborations, including new results from an electron test beam at DESY. We also present new results on full simulations of the calorimeter incorporated into the IDEA detector
The IDEA detector is one of the concepts under research for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). For its innermost part, the Vertex Detector, which would occupy a cylindrical volume of 50 mm radius and 550 mm lenght, a power dissipation of about 120 W is foreseen. For the removal of this heat, a cooling system based on forced air convection is under development. Such a technical solution would...
In this poster is presented a study on the structural optimization of the support structure for the interaction region (IR) of the Future Circular Collider (FCC). The aim is to optimize the structure to reduce the mass, maintaining the stiffness needed. Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to develop a detailed numerical model considering complex geometries, material properties, and loading...
We present the material budget for the latest engineered design of the interaction region (IR) of the Future Circular Collider (FCC).
In order for the LumiCal to reach the required absolute precision, it is necessary to use high radiation length (X0) material for the beam pipe elements in front of this detector.
We compare the material budget in the LumiCal acceptance for two versions of...
The design of the next generation of colliders demands a renewed, high-performance, integrated set of simulation codes. We present the Beam, pLasma & Accelerator Simulation Toolkit (BLAST), which includes legacy accelerator codes such as Impact-T, Impact-Z, Warp and Posinst, as well as a renewed generation of accelerator codes such as ImpactX, WarpX and HiPACE++. The new codes, born out of the...
The charge imbalance between colliding bunches in the FCC-ee ring must be less than 3-5% in order to avoid the beamstrahlung-induced flip-flop instability [1]. The charge of the colliding bunches is leveled through top-up injection, but this is a slow process. Laser Compton back scattering (CBS) has been proposed as a mechanism to quickly level the charge of colliding bunches between top-ups...
We propose a concept for a e+ source based on high energy e- beams incident on conical converter targets, in pursuit of its implementation in future lepton colliders such as FCC-ee. Two conical target solutions were optimized for a state-of-the-art capture system based on a high-temperature superconducting solenoid, allowing for a full target immersion in a 12.7 T peak field. According to...
The P$^3$ experiment is the positron source test facility for FCC-ee, which is presently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. The proposed diagnostics setup will detect the charge, longitudinal profile, and energy spectrum of multispecies electron-positron beams in the nano-Coulomb and multi-MeV range. Additionally, the diagnostics must work under extremely...
The FCCee complex will produce and transport the lepton beams to the collider ring. From the damping ring to the top-up injection in the collider ring, beam transfer systems are required to ensure beam injection and extraction. Each system has specific requirements, determined by the beam energy, required deflection, available space and so on. This contribution presents the concepts for...
During operation, the Future Circular electron-positron Collider (FCC-ee) will be subject to vibrations from mechanical sources and ground motion, resulting in errors with respect to the closed orbit. To achieve physics performance, luminosity and beam lifetime must be kept to design specifications. To correct for errors at the interaction points (IPs), a fast feedback system is required. We...
The Future Circular electron-positron Collider (FCC-ee) is a proposed accelerator with a 91 kilometre circumference that should serve as a Higgs and electroweak factory, with unprecedented luminosity. Unavoidable misalignments and field errors will generate optics errors at the interaction point (IP), whose effect will be amplified by the beam-beam collisions, which will make it challenging...
The detectors to be operating at the Future Circular electron-positron collider (FCC-ee) must fulfill demanding requirements on the high precision measurements. Key requirements for the detector include excellent energy and angular resolution as well as excellent particle identification capabilities. The ALLEGRO detector is a general-purpose detector concept well suited for the FCC-ee. The...
FCC-ee luminosity optimization relies on measuring realistic signals from Bhabha scattering, beamstrahlung, and radiative Bhabha photons. Initial assessments of beamstrahlung signals examine the change in luminosity and beamstrahlung power in response to waist shifts and vertical dispersion at the collision point. These ongoing studies aim to extract IP-aberration-related signals from the...
The accelerator circumference will remain an unchangeable parameter throughout the entire life of the FCC program. A cautious choice is therefore essential to cover all present and future requirements in terms of beam transfer schemes or bunch spacing and length. The exact circumference becomes particularly important for the FCC-hh, when hadron beams will be supplied by a high-energy booster...
High-energy and high-luminosity collision experiments on the future collider demand higher radiation resistance and time resolution detectors due to events pile-up. Silicon Low-gain avalanche detectors (LGADs) with excellent time resolution have been identified for use in collider experiments, such as ATLAS and CMS experiments. However, due to the inherent properties of silicon material, the...