Ask the expert: Tetyana Galatyuk (GSI/FAIR) spricht über "Probing cosmic forms of matter in the laboratory" 

Montag, 10. Juli 2023 | 17:00-18:00

Zielgruppe: Fellows

Hinweis: Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

Inhalt: What happens when gold nuclei, accelerated to about 90% of the speed of light, strike gold nuclei at rest? For an extremely short time, t~10^-23 seconds, states of matter at extreme temperatures (10^12 K) and densities (>280 Mt/cm^3) are produced. 

The microscopic properties of the strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions of temperature and density is a topic of great current interest. Despite 18 orders of magnitude difference in system size and time, the conditions present in heavy-ion collisions share great overlap with the conditions of the strong-interaction matter in neutron-star mergers. The possibility to form and explore in the laboratory strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions is truly fascinating.

The relativistic heavy-ion physics program at GSI/FAIR has the potential to discover the most prominent landmarks of the QCD phase diagram expected to exist at high net baryon densities. The measurement of comprehensive set of diagnostic probes offers the possibility to find signatures of exotic phases, and to discover the conjectured first order deconfinement phase transition and its critical endpoint. The physics of those extreme states of matter is of pivotal significance for understanding a fundamental aspect of nature. 

Über die Referentin: Tetyana Galatyuk is internationally recognized as an expert in studying microscopic properties of QCD matter at high densities with heavy-ion collisions, study of electromagnetic structure of baryons with hadron beams, phenomenology of HIC and detector instrumentation. She is Group Leader “QCD Matter Research” in the department HADES at GSI and Professor of Experimental hadron- and nuclear physics at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Darmstadt. 

Tetyana Galatyuk steht dir nach ihrem Vortrag gerne für Fragen zur Verfügung.

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