8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Interparticle forces in scalar QFTs with non-linear mediating fields

9 Aug 2011, 12:31
Rhode Island Convention Center

Rhode Island Convention Center

One Sabin Street Providence, RI 02903
Poster Field and String Theory Poster Session


Mr Alexander Chigodaev (York University)


We study the interparticle potentials for few-particle systems in a scalar theory with a non-linear mediating field of the Higgs type. We use the variational method, in a reformulated Hamiltonian formalism of QFT, to derive relativistic three and four particle wave equations for stationary states of these systems. We show that the cubic and quartic non-linear terms modify the attractive Yukawa potentials, which are dominant at small interparticle distances, by new terms that produce confining and quasi-confining interparticle potentials.


Mr Alexander Chigodaev (York University)

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