528 / 528
- Braden Keim Abbott (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Oklahoma)
- Mohamed Assad Abdel-Raouf (United Arab Emirates Un iversity, College of Science)
- Peter Ade (University of Cardiff)
- Abhishek Agarwal (American Physical Society)
- Mahsana Ahsan (Department of Physics-University of Texas at Dallas-Unknown)
James Alexander
(Floyd R. Newman Laboratory-Cornell University)
- Author in Missing Transverse Energy Significance
- Juliette Alimena (Department of Physics-Brown University)
- Steve Alkire (Department of Physics-University of Washington)
- Jose Alonso (MIT-LNS)
- Jonathan Anderson (Universitaet Zuerich)
- A. Anderson (MIT)
- Aubra Anthony (University of Colorado)
- Louis James Antonelli (Department of Physics-College of Science-University of Notre Da)
- Kam Arnold (UC Berkeley)
- Sanjay Ravi Ratan Arora (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy-Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jers)
- Marina Artuso (Department of Physics-Syracuse University)
- David Asner (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
- David Atwood (Iowa State University)
- Aram Avetisyan (Department of Physics-Brown University)
Frank Avignone
(University of South Carolina)
- Author in The Majorana Demonstrator Project
Andriy Badin
(Duke University)
- Co-author in Sticky Dark Matter
Jonathan Bagger
(Johns Hopkins University)
- Author in Electron Collider Physics
- Yang Bai (SLAC)
- Yuting Bai (Physics Department-University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Charles Baltay (Yale University)
- Dmitry Bandurin (Kansas State University)
- Piyali Banerjee (University of Montreol)
- Emanuela Barberis (Department of Physics-Northeastern University)
- Marjorie Bardeen (Fermilab)
- Derek Michael Barge (Physics Department-Univ. of California Santa Barbara)
Vernon Barger
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Author in HollowConeSieveForTops
- Co-author in Lorentz noninvariant neutrino oscillations without neutrino masses
Barry Barish
- Author in Closing Remarks
- William Barletta (MIT-LNS)
Michael Barnett
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Author in Education & Outreach
- Author in Plain English Summaries of Experimental Results
- Itzhak Bars (Univ. Southern California)
Christian Bauer
(UC Berkeley)
- Author in QCD: Theory
- Matthew Baumgart (Johns Hopkins)
- John Beacom (Ohio State University)
Alice Bean
(Department of Physics and Astronomy)
- Author in The Multimedia Project Quarked!
Susie Bedikian
(Physics Department-Yale University)
- Author in Electron Vetos and Taus at ATLAS
- Marco Bentivegna
- Edmond Berger (ANL)
- Joshua Berger (Cornell University)
- Minerba Betancourt (University of Minnesota)
Marc-Olivier Bettler
(Universita e INFN)
- Author in Search for Bs -> mu+mu- at LHCb
- Dmitriy Beznosko (NN Group SUNYSB)
- Saptaparna Bhattacharya (Brown University)
- Matthew Bishara (University of Rochester)
- Kevin Black (Department of Physics-Boston University)
Thomas Blake
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med.)
- Author in Electroweak Penguin decays at LHCb
- Karen Bland (Baylor University)
- Monika Blanke (Cornell University)
- Kenneth Bloom (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Nebraska)
- David Boettger (UCSD)
- Daniel Boline
- Silvia Borghi (University of Glasgow)
- Julian Borrill (LBNL, UC Berkeley)
Daniela Bortoletto
- Author in Upgrade plans of the CMS detector
- Radja Boughezal (Argonne National Lab.)
- Nassim Bozorgnia (UCLA)
- john brandenburg (Orbital Technologies Corporation)
- Andrew Gerhart Brandt (University of Texas at Arlington)
- Benjamin Brau (University of Massachusetts)
- James Brau (Univ. of Oregon)
- Ulisse Bravar
Irene Bredberg
(Harvard University)
- Author in From Navier-Stokes to Einstein
Clyde Briant
(Vice President for Research (Brown University))
- Author in Welcome
- Duncan Brown (CNRS / LPNHE Paris Universities VI and VII)
- David Norvil Brown (Department of Physics-University of Louisville)
- Eric Charles Brownson (Department of Physics and Astronomy-Vanderbilt University)
- John Bulava (DESY Zeuthen)
- Bart Butler (SLAC)
- Robert Byer (Stanford University)
- John Byrd (LBNL)
Elena Caceres
(Universidad de Colima)
- Co-author in NS5 Branes on the Resolved Cone over $Y^{p,q}$
Helen Louise Caines
(Physics Department-Yale University)
- Author in Jets and Jet-like Correlations at RHIC
- Luciano Calabretta (INFN-LNS, Catania)
- Alessandro Camboni (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Florencia Canelli (University of Chicago)
- Chris Cantalupo (LBNL)
- Benjamin Carls
- G Carrillo Montoya (Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin)
- Marco Cavaglia (University of Mississippi)
- Viviana Cavaliere (Department of Physics-Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Kenneth William Cecire
(University of Notre Dame)
- Author in CMS Data for High School Teachers and Students
- Author in Particle Physics Masterclasses
Benjamin Cerio
(Physics Department-Duke University)
- Author in Inclusive Search for Same-Sign Dileptons
Giordano Cerizza
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-College of Arts and Science)
- Author in Bs -> J/psi phi at CMS
- Subhendu Chakrabarti
- Avdhesh Chandra (Rice University)
Jeremy Chapman
- Author in Status of the LUX Dark Matter Experiment
- Co-author in After LUX: The LZ Program
- Tianxiang Chen (University of Michigan)
- Aleksey Cherman (Cambridge DAMTP)
- Maxwell Chertok (UC Davis)
- Paul Chesler (MIT)
- Alexander Chigodaev (York University)
Jui-Yu Chiu
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Author in Higgs Tansverse Momentum Distributions at the LHC
- Author in The Rapidity Renormalization Group
- Georgios Choudalakis (University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute)
Louis Clavelli
(University of Alabama)
- Author in String Landscape and Supernovae Ia
- David Cline (UCLA)
- Josh Cogan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- The ATLAS Collaboration (CERN)
Juan Collar Colmenero
(University of Chicago)
- Author in Status of CoGeNT
- Janet Conrad (MIT-LNS)
- Michael Cooke
- Mark Cooke (LBNL)
- Raymond Culbertson (Fermilab)
- Timothy Daniels (University of Massachusetts)
- Sudeep Das (UC BERKELEY)
- Amitabha Das (University of Arizona)
Gavin Davies
(Iowa State University)
- Author in NOvA: Present and Future
- Merlin Davies (Universite of Montreol)
- Sally Dawson (aDepartment of Physics, Brookhaven National Lab)
- James David Degenhardt (Department of Physics and Astronomy - University of Pennsylvania)
- Jean Delayen (Old Dominion University)
- Wensheng Deng (BNL)
- Francesco D'Eramo (MIT)
- Jorge S Diaz (Indiana University)
- Edward Diehl (University of Michigan)
- Matt Dobbs (McGill University)
- Bogdan Dobrescu (Theoretical Physics Department, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Tulay Donszelmann (University of Sheffield)
- Karl Ecklund (Rice University)
- Josquin Errard (Universite Paris 7)
- Sevda Esen (University of Cincinnati)
Lisa Everett Everett
(University of Wisconsin)
- Author in Neutrino Physics: theory
- Gabriel Facini
- Amir Fariborz (SUNY Institute of Technology)
- James Fast (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Jonathan Feng
(UC Irvine)
- Author in Lepton Collider Forum
- Alexey Ferapontov (Department of Physics-Brown University)
- Waruna Fernando (Argonne National Lab)
- Daniel Ferrante (Brown University)
- Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano (MIT)
Simon Fiorucci
(Brown University)
- Co-author in After LUX: The LZ Program
- Wolfram Fischer (BNL)
- John Flanagan (KEK)
- Justin Foley (University of Utah)
- Robert Forrest (UC Davis)
- Bill Foster
- Florian Frรคnkle (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- Herbert Fried (Brown University)
- Colin Froggatt (Glasgow University)
- Yves Gabellini (Universite de Nice)
- Matthias R. Gaberdiel (ETH Zurich)
- Yu Gao (University of Oregon)
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
- Author in ATLAS pixel detector upgrades
- Robert W Gardner (University of Chicago)
- Paola Garosi
- Cecilia Garraffo (Brandeis University, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- Joseph Anthony Gartner (University of Florida)
- Marat Gataullin (Charles C. Lauritsen Lab. of HEPhys-California Institute of Tec)
- Graciela Gelmini (UCLA)
Lawrence Gibbons
(Floyd R. Newman Laboratory-Cornell University)
- Author in Missing Transverse Energy Significance
- Gavril Giurgiu (Rowland Dept. of Phys. and Astron.-Johns Hopkins University (JH)
- Romulus Godang (University of Mississippi)
- Tobias Golling (Physics Department-Yale University)
- Gene Golowich (U Mass)
- Paolo Gondolo (University of Utah)
- Jeremiah Jet Goodson (Department of Physics - State University of New York (SUNY))
- Rajesh Gopakumar (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
- Al Goshaw (Duke University)
- Errol Gotsman (Tel Aviv University)
- Thierry Grandou (Universite de Nice)
Paul Grannis
(High Energy Group (HEG))
- Author in Celebrating the Tevatron: physics
- Marco Grassi (Universita di Roma I 'La Sapienza'-Universita e INFN, Roma I)
- Kira Suzanne Grogg (Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin)
- Yuval Grossman (Cornell University)
- Monika Grothe (U Wisconsin)
- Craig Group (University of Virginia)
Roxanne Guenette
(Yale University)
- Author in The ArgoNeuT experiment
- Sudhir Gupta (Iowa State University)
- Gerald Guralnik (Brown University, Providence RI 02912, USA)
- Eva Halkiadakis (Rutgers University)
Jonathan Hall
(University of Southampton)
- Co-author in Collider Phenomenology of the E6SSM
- Co-author in Nonstandard Higgs Decays and Dark Matter in the E6SSM
- Carter Hall (University of Maryland)
- Nils Halverson (University of Colorado)
- Brian Hamilton (University Of Maryland)
Tao Han
(University of Wisconsin)
- Author in Muon Collider Physics
- Ji Yeon Han (University of Rochester)
- Zhenyu Han (Harvard University)
- Jiangang Hao (Fermilab)
- Daryl Hare (Rutgers University)
- Thomas Hartman (Institute for Advanced Study)
- Masashi Hazumi (KEK)
- Christopher Hearty (University of British Columbia)
Jonathan Heckman
(Institute for Advanced Study)
- Author in Fuzzy Twistors and Emergent Gravity
- Jaret Heise (Sanford Underground Laboratory at Homestake)
- Ivan Heredia De La Cruz (Centro Invest. Estudios Avanz. IPN (CINVESTAV))
- Scott Hertel (Department of Physics)
Christopher Herzog
(Princeton University)
- Author in Field and String Theory
- JoAnne Hewett (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Andrew Hime
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in The MiniCLEAN Dark Matter Experiment
- Elizabeth Hines (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Pennsylvania)
- Bruce Hoeneisen (Universidad San Francisco de Quito)
Stephen Holmes
- Author in Celebrating the Tevatron: Machine
- William Holzapfel (UC Berkeley)
- Jenny Holzbauer (Michigan State University)
- JUHEE HONG (Stony Brook University)
- Benjamin Henry Hooberman (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
Stephen Hoover
(University of Chicago)
- Author in Tanaka award
- Jacob Howard (UC Berkeley)
- Shih-Chieh Hsu (Physics Division-Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL))
- Xiaobo Huang (Argonne National Laboratory)
Peisi Huang
(Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Author in HollowConeSieveForTops
- Paul Huffman (North Carolina State University)
- Richard Edward Hughes (Ohio State University)
Joey Huston
(Michigan State University)
- Author in QCD: Experiment
- Peter Hyland (McGill University)
Christina Ignarra
- Author in The MicroBooNE Experiment
- C. Ignarra (MIT)
- Yuriy Ilchenko (Southern Methodist University (SMU))
Paul Indelicato
- Author in The proton charge radius
MD Razikul Islam
(New York City College of Technology)
- Co-author in Strongly-Coupled Quarks and Colorful Black Holes
- Zeynep Isvan (University of Pittsburgh)
Barbara Jacak
(Stony Brook University)
- Author in Heavy Ion Physics
- Chris Jackson (University of Texas-Arlington)
- Christopher Jackson (Physics Department, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas)
- Andrew Jaffe (Imperial College)
- Vivek Jain (Indiana University)
Ambar Jain
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Author in Higgs Tansverse Momentum Distributions at the LHC
- Author in The Rapidity Renormalization Group
- Prerit Jaiswal (YITP, Stony Brook University)
Hassan Jawahery
(Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Groups)
- Author in CP Violation
- Renata Jora (University of barcelona)
- Thomas Jordan (University of Florida/Fermilab)
- Keisuke Juge (University of the Pacific)
- Charles Jui (University of Utah)
Aurelio Juste Rozas
(IFAE - Institut de Fรญsica d'Altes Energies-Universitat Autรฒnom)
- Author in Higgs Searches
- Mikhail Kalmykov (II Inst. Theoretical Phys., U. Hamburg)
- Oleg Kamaev (Queen's University)
- G. Karagiorgi (Columbia University)
- Georgia KARAGIORGI (Columbia University)
- Richard Kass (Ohio State University)
- William Katzman (California Institute of Technology)
- Venkatesh Kaushik (University Of Arizona)
- Brian Keating (UCSD)
Cynthia Keeler
(Harvard University)
- Co-author in From Navier-Stokes to Einstein
- Zigmund Kermish (UC Berkeley)
- Sadia Khalil (Kansas State University)
- Dmitri Kharzeev (SUNY, Stony Brook and BNL)
Aleko Khukhunaishvili
(Floyd R. Newman Laboratory-Cornell University)
- Author in Missing Transverse Energy Significance
- Nikolaos Kidonakis (Kennesaw State University)
Steve King
(University of Southampton)
- Co-author in Collider Phenomenology of the E6SSM
- Co-author in Nonstandard Higgs Decays and Dark Matter in the E6SSM
- Michael Kirby (Northwestern University)
- Brian Kirby (University of British Columbia)
- Kazuyoshi Kitazawa (Mitsui Chemicals)
- Alexei Klimentov (BNL)
- V. Alan Kostelecky (Indiana University)
- Gennadiy Kukartsev (Department of Physics-Brown University)
- Ashish Kumar (Department of Physics-Physics Faculty-State University of New Y)
Krishna Kumar
(Physics Department University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- Author in Searches for BSM Physics at Low Energy
- lokesh kumar (Kent State University)
- Caleb Lampen (University of Arizona)
Albion Lawrence
(Brandeis University)
- Author in Axion monodromy
- Co-author in Multidimensional Quantum Tunneling: A Perturbative Approach
Jose Lazo-Flores
(University of Nebraska)
- Author in Search for B_(s,d)->mumu in CMS
- Valeri Lebedev (FNAL)
- Adrian Lee (UC Berkeley)
- Christopher Lee (MIT)
- Wim Leemans (LBNL)
- Susan Lein (University of Minnesota)
- Mindaugas Lekaveckas (MIT)
- David Lenkner (Carnegie Mellon Univ)
- Eugene Levin (Tel Aviv University)
Yingchuan Li
(Brookhaven National Lab)
- Author in EDMs and their implications
- Liang Li (University of California Riverside)
- Ye Li (Northwestern University)
- Bing An Li (University of Kentucky)
- Jiajun Liao (Iowa State University)
- Peter Lichard (Silesian University in Opava)
Luigi Li Gioi
(Lab. de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC)-Inst. Nat. Phys. Nucl. et)
- Author in Studies with onia at LHCb
- Eric Linder (LBNL)
Brian Edward Lindquist
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Charmless Hadronic B Decays with BABAR
Lucie Linssen
- Author in CLIC
Ronald Lipton
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
- Author in Muon Collider
Vladimir Litvinenko
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in eRHIC collider design status
- Jianbei Liu (University of Michigan)
- Hong Liu (MIT)
- Rafael Lopes de Sa (Stony Brook University)
Glenn Lopez
(Stony Brook University)
- Author in Neutrino Oscillation Results from T2K
Daniel Lopez
(Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Lab)
- Co-author in New Optical Link Technologies for HEP Experiments
- Jeremy Lopez (MIT)
- Sherwin Love (purdue university)
- Marilena Loverde (Institute for Advanced Study)
- Michael Luk (Brown University)
- Enrico Lunghi (Indiana University)
Vyacheslav Lysov
(Harvard University)
- Co-author in From Navier-Stokes to Einstein
Teresa MacDonald
(University of Kansas)
- Co-author in The Multimedia Project Quarked!
- James Madsen (University of Wisconsin River Falls)
- Charles Felix Maguire (Department of Physics and Astronomy-Vanderbilt University)
- G. Bruce Mainland (The Ohio State University at Newark)
- Sudhir Malik (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Nebraska)
David Malling
(Brown University)
- Author in After LUX: The LZ Program
- David Malon (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jason Mansour (University of Gรถttingen)
- Sonny Mantry (University of Wisconsin at Madison)
- Uri Maor (Tel Aviv University)
- Danny Marfatia (University of Kansas)
- Sho Maruyama (Department of Physics-University of California Davis (UCD))
Konstantin Matchev
(Department of Physics-University of Florida)
- Author in Beyond the Standard Model: theory
- Allison McCarn (Department of Physics-Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Carrie McGivern (University of Kansas)
Aaron McGowan
(University of Rochester)
- Author in Highlights from MINERvA's first year
- Andrew Robert Meade (University of Massachusetts)
- Samuel Meehan (University of Chicago)
- Kirill Melnikov (Johns Hopkins University)
- Arjun Menon (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Emanuele Mereghetti (University of Arizona)
- Serhan Mete (Iowa State University)
- Nathan Miller (UCSD)
- David Miller (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Laurent Millischer (IRFU-CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEA))
Kalanand Mishra
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
- Author in Study of diboson production at CMS
- Debabrata Mohapatra (Virginia Tech)
- Soumya Mohapatra (Department of Physics-State University of New York (SUNY))
- Colin Morningstar (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
- Stephanie Moyerman (UCSD)
- Patric Muggli (University of Southern California)
Steve Myers
- Author in LHC Luminosity and Energy Upgrades
- Mike Myers (UC Berkeley)
- Austin Napier (Tufts University)
- Meenakshi Narain (Brown University)
Rajamani Narayanan
(Florida International University)
- Author in Large Nc Gauge Theories on the Lattice
Duff Neill
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Author in Higgs Tansverse Momentum Distributions at the LHC
- Author in The Rapidity Renormalization Group
- Mark Neubauer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Richard Neufeld (LANL)
- Pavel Nevski (BNL)
- Roman Nevzorov (University of Hawaii)
- Duong Hai Nguyen (Department of Physics-Brown University)
donato nicolo
(pisa university)
- Author in Results from MEG Experiment
- Holger Nielsen (Niels Bohr Institute)
- Margaret Norris (Sanford Underground Laboratory)
- Jaroslaw Nowak (University of Minnesota)
- Noah Oblath (MIT)
- Hideki Okawa (UC Irvine)
- Takemichi Okui (Florida State University)
- Dominick Olivito (University of Pennsylvania)
- Douglas Orbaker (University of Rochester)
- Mhair Orchanian (Caltech)
- Bari Osmanov (University of Florida)
grigory ovanesyan
- Author in Effective theory for jets in medium
- Erkcan Ozcan (University College London)
- Hans Paar (UCSD)
Sandip Pakvasa
(University of Hawaii)
- Co-author in Collider Phenomenology of the E6SSM
- Co-author in Nonstandard Higgs Decays and Dark Matter in the E6SSM
- Co-author in Relating B_s Mixing and B_s -> mu+mu- with New Physics
- Christopher Allan Palmer (Department of Physics-Univ. of California San Diego (UCSD))
Leopoldo Pando Zayas
(University of Michigan)
- Co-author in NS5 Branes on the Resolved Cone over $Y^{p,q}$
Sergey Panitkin
(Department of Physics - Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
- Author in ATLAS data analysis on Grid
- Sudarshan Paramesvaran (University of California Riverside)
Neeti Parashar
(Purdue University Calumet)
- Author in CMS pixel detector upgrade
- Nathaniel Joseph Pastika (School of Physics and Astronomy-University of Minnesota)
Zarko Pavlovic
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Author in Short Baseline Neutrino Oscillations
- gil paz (The University of Chicago)
- Michael Peardon (Trinity College Dublin)
- Hua Pei (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Mario Pelliccioni (Universita degli Studi di Torino-Universita e INFN)
- Alex Penson (Columbia University)
- Hannah Petersen (Duke University)
- Peter Petreczky (BNL)
- Frank Petriello (Northwestern University)
- Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University)
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University)
- Author in Sticky Dark Matter
- Elisabetta Pianori (University of Pennsylvania)
- Leo Piilonen (Virginia Tech)
Kevin Pitts
(University of Illinois)
- Author in Updated Search for B->mumu Decays at CDF
Venetios Polychronakos
(Department of Physics-Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
- Author in ATLAS detector upgrade plans
Adrian Pope
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Computing the Universe
Rishiraj Pravahan
(University of Texas at Arlington)
- Author in Study of Particle Correlations in ATLAS
- Alexander Pronko (LBNL)
Harrison Prosper
(Florida State University)
- Author in The Frontier of Physics and Beyond
- Seth Quackenbush (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Erin Quealy (UC Berkeley)
Jennifer Raaf
- Author in Neutrino Physics: experiment
- David Rabinowitz (Yale University)
Nicholas Raddatz
(University of Minnesota)
- Author in Charged Particle Tracking in NOvA
- Krishna Rajagopal (MIT)
- KRISHNA Rajagopal (MIT)
- Jean-Francois Rajotte (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen)
- Suvrat Raju (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
- Niharika Ranjan (Purdue University)
- Salvatore Rappoccio (Department of Physics and Astronomy-Johns Hopkins University (J)
- Nathaniel Reden (Brandeis University)
George Redlinger
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
- Author in Beyond the Standard Model: experiment
- Christian Reichardt (UC Berkeley)
- Peter Renkel (postdoc)
Jose Repond
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Status of particle flow calorimetry
- Stefania Ricciardi (Particle Physics-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science)
- Paul Richards (UC Berkeley)
- Keith Riles (University of Michigan)
- Thomas Rizzo (SLAC)
Bradley Lee Roberts
(Boston University)
- Author in The Fermilab Muon (g-2) Experiment
- Steven Robertson (High Energy Physics Group-McGill University-Unknown)
- Vincent Rodgers (University of Iowa)
Leo Rodriguez
(University of Iowa)
- Co-author in NS5 Branes on the Resolved Cone over $Y^{p,q}$
- Alessandro Rossi (INFN Perugia)
Ira Rothstein
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Author in Higgs Tansverse Momentum Distributions at the LHC
- Author in The Rapidity Renormalization Group
- Himansu Sahoo (University of Hawaii)
- Paul Douglas Sail (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Glasgow)
- Masao Sako (University of Pennsylvania)
- M Saleem (University of Oklahoma, USA)
- Mayly Sanchez (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Tapas Sarangi (University of Wisconsin)
- Lee Sawyer (College of Engineering and Science-Louisiana Technical Universi)
- Benedict Sayler (BHSU)
- Tim Scanlon (Imperial College/Fermilab)
- Andreas Scharf (Universtity at Buffalo)
- Joseph Schechter (Syracuse University)
- Bjoern Schenke (BNL)
- Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Michael Henry Schmitt
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-Northwesten University)
- Author in Electroweak Physics
- K. Scholberg (Duke University)
- Adam Schreckenberger (University of Minnesota)
- Markus Schulze (Johns Hopkins University)
- Ariel Schwartzman (SLAC)
- Reinhard Schwienhorst (Michigan State University)
- Michael Andrew Segala (Department of Physics-Brown University)
- Yannis Semertzidis (BNL)
- Ignacio Sevilla (CIEMAT)
- Federico Sforza (INFN Pisa)
- Michael Shaevitz (Columbia University)
- Muhammad Shahid (Syracuse University)
- Gabe Shaughnessy (Argonne National Laboratory/Northwestern University)
- Savanna Shaw (MIchigan State University)
Marc Sher
(College of William and Mary)
- Co-author in Collider Phenomenology of the E6SSM
- Co-author in Nonstandard Higgs Decays and Dark Matter in the E6SSM
- Ming Sheu (BEA Systems)
Edward Shuryak
(Stony Brook University)
- Co-author in Sound Propagation on Top of the Fireball
- Nicholas Sinev (University of Oregon)
- Michael Smy (UCI)
- Gregory Snow (University of Nebraska)
- Amarjit Soni (BNL)
- Paul Sorensen (BNL)
- Thomas Speer (Brown University)
- Helmuth Spieler (LBNL)
- J. Spitz (Yale University)
- Marcus Spradlin (Brown University)
Pilar Staig
(Stony Brook University)
- Author in Sound Propagation on Top of the Fireball
- Giulio Stancari (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Robert Stanek
(HEP - Argonne National Lab)
- Co-author in New Optical Link Technologies for HEP Experiments
- Nathan Stebor (UCSD)
- Bryan Steinbach (UC Berkeley)
- Peter Alan Steinberg (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
- Misha Stephanov (UIC)
- Radek Stompor (Universite Paris 7)
Sheldon Stone
(Department of Physics-Syracuse University)
- Author in Heavy Flavor Physics
- Stoyan Emilov Stoynev (Department of Physics and Astronomy-Northwesten University)
- Alden Stradling (UT Arlington)
- Jonas Strandberg (KTH)
- David Strom (University of Oregon)
Andy Strominger
(Harvard University)
- Co-author in From Navier-Stokes to Einstein
- Zack Sullivan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Kevin Kai Hong Sung
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT))
- Author in A Search For The Higgs Boson In H --> WW
- Louise Suter
Adam Szczepaniak
(Indiana University)
- Author in Hadron Spectroscopy
- Helio Takai (Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Matthew Cleary Tamsett (College of Engineering and Science-Louisiana Technical Universit)
- Haiyan Tang (Department of Mathematics and Physics, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China)
- Sami Tantawi (SLAC)
- Terence John Tarnowsky (Michigan State University)
- Rex Tayloe (Dept of Physics, Indiana University)
- Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
- Xinchun Tian (Univesrity of South Carolina)
- Brian Tiburzi (MIT CTP)
- Charles Timmermans (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Anthony Robert Timmins (University of Houston)
- gemma Tinti (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Kansas)
- Junji Tojo (KEK)
Kirsten Anne Tollefson
(Michigan State University)
- Author in Top Quark Physics
- Takayuki Tomaru (KEK)
- Eric Torrence (University of Oregon)
- Huan Tran (LBNL)
- Gil Travish (UCLA)
- Daniele Trocino (Department of Physics-Northeastern University)
Mark Trodden
(University of Pennsylvania)
- Author in Early Universe and Cosmology
- Bob Tschirhart (-Fermilab)
- Joe Tuggle (University of Chicago)
- Brock Tweedie (Boston University)
- David Underwood (Argonne National Laboratory (ANL))
- Gokhan Unel (University of California at Irvine)
- Jon Urheim (Indiana University)
- German Valencia (Iowa State University)
- Daan Van Eijk (NIKHEF)
- Peter Van Gemmeren (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Hans Jozef H Van Haevermaet (Universiteit Antwerpen Physics Department)
- Alexandre Vaniachine (Argonne)
- Justin Vazquez-Poritz (New York City College of Technology)
- Costas Vellidis (Fermilab)
Ivan Vitev
- Co-author in Effective theory for jets in medium
- Martin Vojik (Silesian University in Opava)
- Rodney Walker (LMU)
- Zhe Wang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Haichen Wang (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Morgan Wascko
(Imperial College London)
- Author in Neutrino Physics with SciBooNE
Gordon Watts
(Department of Physics-University of Washington)
- Author in b-Tagging at ATLAS
- David Webber (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Jordan Webster (University of Chicago)
- Marc Gabriel Weinberg (Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin)
- Roger Wendell (Duke University)
William Wester
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
- Author in Bc and Suppressed Bs Decays at CDF
- Kerry Whisnant (Iowa State University)
Andrew White
(University of Texas at Arlington)
- Author in ILC
- Ryan White (University of South Carolina)
- Catherine Whiting (University of Iowa)
- Lindley Winslow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Walter Wittmer
- Author in Status of the Super-B factory Design
- Ricky Wong (Carnegie Mellon Univ)
- Brad Wray (University of Texas at Austin)
Alex Wright
(Princeton University)
- Author in The DarkSide Program at LNGS
- Yusheng Wu (Univ. of Michigan / Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China)
- Zhenbin Wu (Baylor University)
- Evan Wulf (Columbia University)
- Yunhe Xie (Fermilab)
- Chen Xue-wen (Department of Mathematics and Physics, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China)
- vitaly yakimenko (bnl)
- li Yan (Stony Brook University)
- Tingjun Yang (FNAL)
- Haijun Yang (University of Michigan)
- Amos Yarom (Princeton University)
- Ho-Ung Yee (SUNY, Stony Brook)
- Gagik Yeghiyan (Wayne State University)
Jonghee Yoo
- Author in Dark Matter Searches
- Scott Yost (The Citadel)
- Donovan Young (Neils Bohr Institute)
- Oliver Zahn (UC Berkeley, LBNL)
- Andrew Zentner (University of Pittsburgh)
- Yu Zheng (Purdue University)
- Veronique Ziegler (SLAC)
Michael Zisman
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Author in Muon Collider Progress: Accelerators
- Lidija Zivkovic (Brown University)
- Alexander Zlobin (Fermilab)
Jure Zupan
- Author in CP violation - minireview