8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

eRHIC collider design status

10 Aug 2011, 14:30
557 (Rhode Island Convention Center)


Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Accelerator Physics Accelerator Physics



We pre­sent the de­sign of fu­ture high-en­er­gy high-lu­mi­nos­i­ty elec­tron-hadron col­lid­er at RHIC called eRHIC. We plan on adding 20 (po­ten­tial­ly 30) GeV en­er­gy re­cov­ery linacs to ac­cel­er­ate and to col­lide po­lar­ized and un­po­lar­ized elec­trons with hadrons in RHIC. The cen­ter-of-mass en­er­gy of eRHIC will range from 30 to 200 GeV. The lu­mi­nos­i­ty ex­ceed­ing 1034 cm-2 s-1 can be achieved in eRHIC using the low-be­ta in­ter­ac­tion re­gion with a 10 mrad crab cross­ing. We re­port on the progress of im­por­tant eRHIC R&D such as the high-cur­rent po­lar­ized elec­tron source, the co­her­ent elec­tron cool­ing and the com­pact mag­nets for re­cir­cu­lat­ing pass­es. A nat­u­ral stag­ing sce­nario of step-by-step in­creas­es of the elec­tron beam en­er­gy by bui­lid­ing-up of eRHIC's SRF linacs and a po­ten­tial of adding po­lar­ized positrons are also pre­sent­ed.


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