Gil Travish
Of the various advanced accelerator schemes that promise high accelerating gradients, optical-scale structures offer a distinct set of performance parameters along with their own challenges. In addition to the promise of an order of magnitude improvement in accelerating gradients (to ~GV/m) over conventional structures, these devices produce low charge, femto- to atto-second bunches at very high repetition rates (MHz-GHz). The implications for colliders are significant: beam disruption and background beamstraulung might be significantly reduced, but the bunch format may require changes in detectors and trigger systems. Some variants of the optical-scale structures can support flat (high-aspect ratio) beams, which may also be advantageous in a collider. In order to realized such a collider, these devices must demonstrate very high wall-plug efficiency, high reliability and long lifetimes. In this talk, I will attempt to answer the question posed in the title. I will review the present start-of-the-art in optical-scale structures and speculate on the mid- and long-term challenges to be overcome in order to prove their applicability to high-energy physics.
Gil Travish