8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

The Rise and Fall of the Ridge at RHIC and the LHC

10 Aug 2011, 14:25
552 B (Rhode Island Convention Center)

552 B

Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD


Dr Paul Sorensen (BNL)


The centrality dependence of the low pt ridge correlations exhibits an interesting centrality dependence: it rises quickly with centrality but then in the most central collisions falls again. This centrality dependence is seen for 62.4 GeV, 200 GeV, and 2.76 TeV data. In this talk, I discuss how the rise and fall of the ridge demonstrates that the ridge is connected to the initial eccentricity. I discuss the connection of the away-side correlations to the near-side correlations and also explain why RHIC should collide Pb ions instead of Au ions.


Presentation materials