8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Search for Heavy Vector-like Quarks at ATLAS in pp Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=7 TeV

9 Aug 2011, 14:30
Plenary Ballroom (Rhode Island Convention Center)

Plenary Ballroom

Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Mr Samuel Meehan (University of Chicago)


We perform a search for vector-like quarks more massive than the top quark coupling to lighter generations using data collected with the ATLAS detector. The W and Z bosons are reconstructed in the $W\rightarrow l^{\pm}\nu$ and $Z\rightarrow l^{+}l^{-}$ where $l=e,\mu$. The vector-like quark is reconstructed from the W or Z and the highest $p_{T}$ jet.


Mr Alex Penson (Columbia University) Erkcan Ozcan (University College London) Dr Florencia Canelli (University of Chicago) Dr Gokhan Unel (University of California at Irvine) Dr Joe Tuggle (University of Chicago) Mr Jordan Webster (University of Chicago) Mr Merlin Davies (Universite of Montreol) Dr Piyali Banerjee (University of Montreol) Mr Samuel Meehan (University of Chicago) Tulay Donszelmann (University of Sheffield)

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