Roman Nevzorov
(University of Hawaii)
We consider collider signatures of the exceptional supersymmetric standard model (E6SSM). This model is based on the SM gauge group together with an extra U(1)_{N} gauge symmetry under which
right--handed neutrinos have zero charge. To ensure anomaly cancellation and gauge coupling unification the low energy matter
content of the E6SSM involve three 27 representations of E_6 and a pair of SU(2) doublets from additional 27 and \bar{27}. Thus E6SSM predicts
Z' boson and extra matter beyond the MSSM. In particular, the low--energy spectrum of the E6SSM involves three families of Higgs--like doublets, three families of exotic quarks and three SM singlets that carry U(1)_{N} charges. The E6SSM Higgs sector contains one family of the Higgs--like doublets and one SM singlet that develop vacuum expectation values (VEVs) breaking gauge symmetry. The fermionic
and bosonic components of other Higgs--like and singlet superfields form Inert neutralino and chargino states and Inert Higgs states respectively. Two lightest Inert neutralinos tend to be the lightest and next-to-lightest SUSY particles (LSP and NLSP).We analyse the Higgs sector, examine the spectrum and couplings of the Inert neutralinos and charginos and study cosmological implications of the E6SSM. The SM-like Higgs boson can be significantly heavier in the E6SSM than in the MSSM
and NMSSM. The model can account for the dark matter relic abundance if the lightest Inert neutralino has mass close to half the Z mass. In this case the SM-like Higgs boson decays more than 95% of the time into either LSPs or NLSPs. This scenario also predicts other light Inert chargino and neutralino states below 200 GeV, and large LSP direct detection cross-sections which is on the edge of observability of XENON100. We also examine the production of the Z' and exotic
quarks at the LHC. Since exotic quarks in the E6SSM can be either diquarks or leptoquarks they may provide spectacular new physics signals at the LHC.
Roman Nevzorov
(University of Hawaii)
Jonathan Hall
(University of Southampton)
Marc Sher
(College of William and Mary)
Sandip Pakvasa
(University of Hawaii)
Steve King
(University of Southampton)