8–13 Aug 2011
Rhode Island Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Recent Results of Fluctuation and Correlation Studies from the QCD Critical Point Search at RHIC

9 Aug 2011, 15:15
552 B (Rhode Island Convention Center)

552 B

Rhode Island Convention Center

Parallel contribution Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD


Dr Terence John Tarnowsky (Michigan State University)


Enhanced fluctuations and correlations have been observed in the phase transitions of many systems. Their appearance at the predicted QCD phase transition (especially near the expected critical point) may provide insight into the nature of the phase transition. Recent results from the QCD Critical Point Search at RHIC will be presented, with a focus on particle ratio (K/$\pi$, p/$\pi$, and $K/p$) fluctuations and their comparison to previous measurements and theoretical predictions.

Primary author

Dr Terence John Tarnowsky (Michigan State University)

Presentation materials