Poster Session
- Greg Landsberg (Brown University)
- Ulrich Heintz (Department of Physics-Brown University)
- Meenakshi Narain (Brown University)
The posters will be displayed until Friday 14:00
G. Bruce Mainland
(The Ohio State University at Newark)
09/08/2011, 12:30
Beyond the Standard Model
Because the existence of families of elements and hadrons was ultimately understood by the realization that atoms and hadrons are composite, in the 1970's many physicists thought that the existence of the four families of leptons and quarks could be understood if leptons and quarks were composite. By the early 1980's, however, the physics community had given up on the idea because it had not...
Alexander Chigodaev
(York University)
09/08/2011, 12:31
Field and String Theory
We study the interparticle potentials for few-particle systems in a scalar theory with a non-linear mediating field of the Higgs type. We use the variational method, in a reformulated Hamiltonian formalism of QFT, to derive relativistic three and four particle wave equations for stationary states of these systems. We show that the cubic and quartic non-linear terms modify the attractive Yukawa...
Daniel Ferrante
(Brown University)
09/08/2011, 12:32
Field and String Theory
Lately, it is becoming increasingly clear that extending the
Feynman Path Integral into the Complex domain yields desirable
properties. A first hint in support of such construction can be
seen from the connection between SUSY Quantum Mechanics and the
Langevin dynamics: analytically continuing the Langevin leads into
different SUSY Quantum Mechanical systems (which share the same...
Catherine Whiting
(University of Iowa)
09/08/2011, 12:33
Field and String Theory
The AdS/CFT correspondence provides a powerful tool to attack very important questions of strong coupling dynamics using gravitational duals. The Klebanov-Stassler prototype has a large family of duals that contain ${\cal N}=1$ SYM. A new and distinct family of supergravity solutions containing a sector dual to ${\cal N}=1$ SYM might be related to the resolved cone over Einstein-Sasaki...
john brandenburg
(Orbital Technologies Corporation)
09/08/2011, 12:34
Beyond the Standard Model
A model of Sakharov (1967) baryo-genesis where the 5th , compactified, dimension of Kaluza-Klein (1926) theory does ‘double duty’ as the creator of lepton-baryon numbers and creator of separate EM and gravity equations is proposed. The appearance of the compactified dimension breaks the symmetry of the Planckian vacuum, allowing the vacuum quantities hbar, G, and c to generate the particle...
Bing An Li
(University of Kentucky)
09/08/2011, 12:35
Poster Session
A new theory of the EW interactions without spontaneous symmetry breaking, Higgs, and Fadeev-Popov procedure is presented
in this talk. It consists of three parts: $SU(2)_L\times U(1)$ gauge fields, massive fermion fields, and their interactions.
New mechanism of $SU(2)_L\times U(1)$ symmetry breaking caused by the fermion masses are found. Nonperturbative solutions are found.
The vacuum...
Roman Nevzorov
(University of Hawaii)
09/08/2011, 12:36
Beyond the Standard Model
It is well known that in no--scale supergravity global symmetries
protect local supersymmetry (SUSY) and a zero value for the cosmological constant. The breakdown of these symmetries that ensures the vanishing of the vacuum energy density near the physical vacuum leads to the natural realization of the multiple point principle (MPP) assumption, i.e. results in the set of degenerate vacua with...
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University)
09/08/2011, 12:37
Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
There is experimental evidence that Dark Matter (DM) makes up about 25\% of the Universe mass and is most likely nonrelativistic. We explore possibility of creation and existence of bound states of Dark Matter and standard model (SM) particles. Such bound states can be potentially created and detected during direct DM search experiments (DAMA, CDMS, XENON etc.). We work in model-independent...
Mohamed Assad Abdel-Raouf
(United Arab Emirates Un iversity, College of Science)
09/08/2011, 12:38
Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
The creation of antihydrogens at CERN (1995) and Fermilab (1997) and the very recent synthesizing of antiheliums at CERN (2011) have invigorated the fascinating idea about the existence of separate universe and antiuniverse as a resultant of the big bang. Particularly, the production of exotic atoms composed of particles and antiparticles (e.g. positroniums, Ps, protoniums, Pn, true muoniums,...
Haiyan Tang
(Department of Mathematics and Physics, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China)
09/08/2011, 12:39
Field and String Theory
Employing the electroweak standard model(SM), we analyzed and discussed the framework form of electron mixing-loop chain propagator and its renormalization in detail; then achieved the analytic count. Based on it we acquired the analytic solution of electron mixing-loop chain propagator which composed of serious of different physical loops. This study would offer certain academic reference to...
Dayong Wang
(Department of Physics-University of Florida)
09/08/2011, 12:40
Poster Session
The missing transverse energy (MET) plays a fundamental role in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model at the LHC. We present an event-by-event assessment, the MET significance, of whether the observed MET is consistent with arising solely from detector-related limitations, such as measurement resolution and detection or reconstruction efficiency. We will introduce the formal...
Kazuyoshi Kitazawa
(Mitsui Chemicals)
09/08/2011, 12:41
Higgs Physics
In preceding paper 1) the mass and the basic structure of SM Higgs boson (H0) were discussed by obtaining asymptotic solution for the Euler-Lagrange equation of nonlinear Klein-Gordon type, in Higgs field with newly developed mass triangle method.
In this paper we at first see that the ground state mass of glueball (GB) is calculated at 502.55 MeV/c2 which is expected as f0(600) meson’s mass....
Muhammad Shahid
(Syracuse University)
09/08/2011, 12:42
Poster Session
The unusual multiplet structures associated with the light spin zero mesons have recently attracted a good deal of theoretical attention. Here we present some aspects associated with the possibility of getting new experimental information on this topic from semi-leptonic decays of heavy charged mesons into an isosinglet scalar or pseudoscalar plus leptons.
Jaret Heise
(Sanford Underground Laboratory at Homestake)
09/08/2011, 12:43
Poster Session
The status of the Sanford Underground Laboratory at Homestake in Lead, South Dakota will be presented. Excavation of new underground facilities at 4850 feet (about 1480 m) has been completed. Outfitting of the excavated space to house and support the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) detector searching for dark matter and the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment is...