Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
- Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
- Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
- Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
- Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
- Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
- Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
- Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
- Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
- Olga Evdokimov (UIC)
- Derek Teaney (Stony Brook University)
Peter Petreczky
09/08/2011, 14:00
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
I am going to discuss new lattice results on the deconfinement and
chiral aspects of the transition in QCD at non-zero temperature.
I will report on calculations performed using the Improved
Staggered Quark action on Nt=6, 8 and 12 lattices. I will
show continuum extrapolation for several quantities that are discussed
in connection with the transition at non-zero temperature as well
Misha Stephanov
09/08/2011, 14:30
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
QCD critical point is a singularity on the QCD phase diagram with distinct signatures which make possible its discovery in heavy-ion collisions. I shall describe the characteristics of the non-monotonous behavior of observables measuring the magnitude and non-Gaussianity of event-by-event fluctuations as a function of the beam energy in the presence of the QCD critical point. I shall discuss...
lokesh kumar
(Kent State University)
09/08/2011, 14:55
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
The current focus at RHIC is the Beam Energy Scan (BES)
program to study the QCD phase diagram --- temperature
($T$) vs. baryon chemical potential ($\mu_B$). The BES
program aims to verify some predictions from QCD: that
a cross-over occurs at $\mu_B$ = 0, and that there exists
a first-order phase transition at large $\mu_B$ and a
critical point at an intermediate $\mu_B$. The...
Terence John Tarnowsky
(Michigan State University)
09/08/2011, 15:15
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
Enhanced fluctuations and correlations have been observed in the phase transitions of many systems. Their appearance at the predicted QCD phase transition (especially near the expected critical point) may provide insight into the nature of the phase transition. Recent results from the QCD Critical Point Search at RHIC will be presented, with a focus on particle ratio (K/$\pi$, p/$\pi$, and...
Charles Felix Maguire
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-Vanderbilt University)
09/08/2011, 16:00
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
Azimuthal angle correlations of charged hadrons were measured in $\sqrt s_{NN}$ = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions by the CMS experiment. The distributions exhibit anisotropies that are correlated with the event-by-event orientation of the reaction plane. Several methods were employed to extract the strength of the signal: the event-plane, cumulant and Lee-Yang Zeros methods. These methods have...
Amos Yarom
(Princeton University)
09/08/2011, 16:25
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
I will show how to generate non-trivial analytic solutions to the conformally invariant, relativistic fluid dynamic equations by appealing to the Weyl covariance of the stress tensor. The technique I will present recasts the relativistic conformally invariant Navier-Stokes equations in four-dimensional Minkowski space as a static flow in three-dimensional de Sitter space times a line. The...
Soumya Mohapatra
(Department of Physics-State University of New York (SUNY))
09/08/2011, 16:50
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
The flow harmonics $v_n$ are important bulk observables in heavy ion collisions. They contain information about the initial geometry as well as the transport properties of the medium produced in heavy ion collisions. We present the measurements of flow harmonics $v_2$-$v_6$ using the EP method and two particle correlations method in broad $p_T$, $\eta$ and centrality ranges using the ATLAS...
li Yan
(Stony Brook University)
09/08/2011, 17:15
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
We introduce a cummulant expansion to parameterize possible initial conditions
in heavy ion collisions. We show that the cummulant expansion converges and can
systematically reporduce the results of the Glauber type initial conditions.
At third order in the gradient expansion, the cummulants are described with the
triangularity $\llangle r^3 \cos3(\phi - \psi_{1,3} ) \rrangle$, and a...
Hannah Petersen
(Duke University)
09/08/2011, 17:35
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
Triangular flow has been shown to be an interesting new observable to gain insights about the properties of hot and dense strongly interacting matter as it is produced in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. We will present triangular flow results for Au+Au collisions at the highest RHIC energy calculated in a hybrid approach that includes a non-equilibrium initial evolution and an ideal...
Hua Pei
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
10/08/2011, 14:00
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
The high energy nucleus-nucleus collision at RHIC has produced the
quark matter where quarks and gluons are believed to be deconfined.
Single particle spectra has shown that parton lose significant amount
of energy in such medium. Itโs therefore important to further explore
the medium properties using multi-particle correlations and jets.
In this contribution, we present recent...
Paul Sorensen
10/08/2011, 14:25
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
The centrality dependence of the low pt ridge correlations exhibits an interesting centrality dependence: it rises quickly with centrality but then in the most central collisions falls again. This centrality dependence is seen for 62.4 GeV, 200 GeV, and 2.76 TeV data. In this talk, I discuss how the rise and fall of the ridge demonstrates that the ridge is connected to the initial...
Anthony Robert Timmins
(University of Houston)
10/08/2011, 14:50
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
We present measurements of untriggered di-hadron correlations as a function of centrality in Pb-Pb \sNN collisions, for charged hadrons with $p_{T} > 0.15$ GeV$/c$. These measurements provide a map of the bulk correlation structures in heavy-ion collisions. Contributions to these structures may come from jets, initial density fluctuations, elliptic flow, resonances, and/or momentum...
Yuting Bai
(Physics Department-University of Illinois at Chicago)
10/08/2011, 15:15
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
Measurements of charged dihadron correlations from the CMS collaboration are presented for PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair over a broad range of pseudorapidity and the full range of azimuthal angle. With its large pseudorapidity coverage, the CMS tracker is ideally suited for detailed analyses of both short and long-range charged hadron correlations at...
Pilar Staig
(Stony Brook University)
10/08/2011, 15:40
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
We study the effect that initial state fluctuations have on final particle correlations in heavy ion collisions. More precisely, we focus on the propagation of initial perturbations on top of the expanding fireball using the conformal solution derived by Gubser and Yarom for central collisions. For small perturbations, the hydrodynamic equations are solved by separation of variables and the...
Helen Louise Caines
(Physics Department-Yale University)
10/08/2011, 16:30
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
I will present an overview of recent results on jets and
jet-like correlation measurements from the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Jets are produced in the initial hard scatterings of an event and can therefore be exploited as probes of the hot and dense medium produced in heavy-ion collisions. Previous RHIC results indicate that this medium,...
Peter Alan Steinberg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
10/08/2011, 17:00
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
A broad program of measurements using heavy ion collisions is underway in ATLAS, with the aim of studying the properties of QCD matter at high temperatures and densities. This talk describes measurements performed using up to 9 ยตb-1 of lead-lead collision data provided at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 2.76 GeV by the Large Hadron Collider and collected by the ATLAS Detector during...
george Stephans
(Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS)-Massachusetts Inst. of Tec)
10/08/2011, 17:30
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
Jets are an important tool to probe the hot, dense medium which is produced in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Copious production of hard processes, well above the heavy ion background, occurs at the Large Hadron Collider due to the large increase in collision energy. The multipurpose Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is well designed to measure the hard scattering processes with...
Richard Neufeld
10/08/2011, 18:00
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
I present results on the derivation of the distribution of energy and momentum transmitted from a primary fast parton and its medium-induced bremsstrahlung gluons to a thermalized quark-gluon plasma. The calculation takes into account the important and thus far neglected effects of quantum interference between the resulting color currents. From the result I obtain the rate at which energy is...
(Stony Brook University)
10/08/2011, 18:25
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
We present the energy density and flux distribution of a quark moving through the high temperature QCD plasma and compare it with that in strongly coupled N=4 SYM plasma.
The Boltzmann equation is reformulated as a Fokker-Planck equation at leading log approximation and is solved numerically with non-trivial boundary conditions in momentum space. We use the kinetic theory and take the...
Paul Chesler
11/08/2011, 10:30
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
In recent years holography has emerged as a powerful tool to study non-equilibrium phenomena in certain quantum theories, mapping challenging quantum dynamics onto the classical dynamics of gravitational fields in one higher dimension. One interesting process accessible with holography is the formation of a quark-gluon plasma in strongly coupled non-Abelian gauge theories. In the dual...
Bjoern Schenke
11/08/2011, 11:00
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
I present recent developments in simulating heavy-ion collisions using a Monte-Carlo event-generator to study high momentum probes. The simulation contains medium effects on the hard probes via the elastic and radiative energy loss and momentum broadening. The lower momentum bulk medium is simulated using relativistic hydrodynamics.
Apart from inclusive observables such as the nuclear...
grigory ovanesyan
11/08/2011, 11:30
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
We revisit the jet broadening and radiative energy loss problems in heavy ion collisions from effective theory point of view. Soft collinear effective theory (SCET) describes the dynamics of QCD at high energies and is particularly suitable for calculations involving jets. By modifying its Lagrangian to include medium interactions we develop an effective theory for jets in medium. A number of...
Mindaugas Lekaveckas
11/08/2011, 12:00
Heavy Ion Physics/Hot and Dense QCD
Parallel contribution
Jet quenching parameter or, equivalently, transverse momentum broadening distribution function is an important quantity which helps to understand energy losses in heavy ion collisions and get insights into properties of the de-confined quark-gluon plasma. SCET provides framework to calculate jet quenching parameter at weak coupling using expectation value of two space-like separated light-like...