Hadron Spectroscopy
- Paul Eugenio (Florida State University)
Hadron Spectroscopy
- Paul Eugenio (Florida State University)
Dennis Weygand
(Jefferson National Lab)
12/08/2011, 08:00
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
David Muller
12/08/2011, 08:30
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
We report on latest results obtained at BABAR studying low energy e+e- annihilation, produced via initial state radiation. Hadronic cross sections are the experimental input for calculation of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, while the study of the final states and intermediate structures with unprecedented accuracy can reveal new states and their properties. In particular, an updated...
David Asner
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
12/08/2011, 08:50
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
We report the observation of the h_b(1P) and h_b(1P)p spin-singlet bottomonium states produced in the reaction e^+e^-\to h_b(1P)n\pi^+\pi^- with significances of 5.5\,\sigma and 11.2\,\sigma, respectively. We find that M[h_b(1P)]=(9898.25\pm 1.06^{+1.03}_{-1.07})\,\mathrm{MeV}/c^2 and M[h_b(1P)p]=(10259.76\pm0.64^{+1.43}_{-1.03})\,\mathrm{MeV}/c^2, which correspond to measurements of the...
Keisuke Juge
(University of the Pacific)
12/08/2011, 09:10
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
A new algorithm ("stochastic LapH") for computing hadronic correlation functions in Lattice QCD will be presented. Lattice QCD is a framework in which the nonperturbative, first principles computation of hadronic correlation functions is possible. It requires a lattice regulation of QCD in a finite Euclidean space-time where correlation functions are evaluated numerically via Monte-Carlo...
Amir Fariborz
(SUNY Institute of Technology)
12/08/2011, 09:30
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
Scalar mesons play important roles in low-energy QCD and are known to be nontrivial states in hadron spectroscopy. Within the context of a generalized linear sigma model that includes two nonets of scalar mesons (a two-quark nonet and a four-quark nonet) and two nonets of pseudoscalar mesons (a two-quark nonet and a four-quark nonet) a collective description of scalar and pseudoscalar mesons...
Veronique Ziegler
12/08/2011, 09:50
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
We present a study of the radiative transitions from decays of the Y(2S)
and Y(3S) resonances using photons that have converted into an e+e- pair, obtaining precise measurements of the branching fractions for
chi_b1,2(1, 2P) --> gamma Y(1S) and chi_b1,2(2P) -->gamma Y(2S) transitions and search for radiative decay to the eta_b(1S) and eta_b(2S) states. We present a search for the...
Christopher Hearty
(University of British Columbia)
12/08/2011, 16:00
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
We present a search for the X(3872) produced in B-->psi pi+pi- K and
B-->psi pi+pi-pi0 K (psi=J/psi or psi(2S)) using 427 fb-1 of BaBar data. We present updated mass and width measurements for the Y(4260)--> J/psi pi+pi- produced in Initial State Radiation events using 454 fb-1 of data. We report the study of the B meson decays B+--> J/psi phi K+ and B0--> J/psi phi K_S, and of charged...
Bing An Li
(University of Kentucky)
12/08/2011, 16:20
Hadron Spectroscopy
Parallel contribution
A chiral field theory of $0^{-+}$ glueball is presented. The Lagrangian of this theory is constructed
by adding a $0^{-+}$ glueball field to a
successful Lagrangian of chiral field theory of pseudoscalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons.
The couplings between the pseodoscalar glueball field and
the mesons are via U(1) anomaly revealed.
Quantitative study of the physical processes of the...