Nov 1 – 3, 2023
Maison Glad Jeju
Asia/Seoul timezone

Venue & Accommodation


ATCF7 venue is Masion Glad Jeju (link), which is very close to Jeju International Airport (CJU). Public transportation from CJU to MGJ is about 20 minutes and its fare is about 1,300 KRW. By taxi, one can reach the venue in about 10 minutes and the fare varies from 5,000 to 6,000 KRW. If decided to walk, it would take an hour (3km away).

NOTE: Accommodations from 31th October to 2nd November (3 nights) are supported by the organizing host. Extended stay is on your own charge. 

Flight to Jeju

Direct Connection

There are several direct flights from outside of South Korea from Japan or China to Jeju International Airport. 

Transit at ICN

Once arrived to Incheon International Airport (ICN), one should transit at Gimpo Airport (GMP) in Seoul to reach Jeju Island. Please note that GMP-CJU (Jeju International Airport) is the world busiest airoute. 

Transit at Domestic Airports

There are frequent domestic flights from major metropolitan cities in South Korea to Jeju International Airpot other than GMP-CJU. E.g. Chungju (near Daejeon), Daegu, Busan, etc.

Tourism in Jeju

Public transportation in Jeju is well developed and its schedule is quite accurate. Thus one can easily reach anywhere in the Island from Jeju city (the northern part) or Jeju International Airport within an hour. 

For the tourism information in Jeju, please visit